Chapter Directory

Almost Heaven West Virginia

June 2021:     The Almost Heaven WV Chapter of the First Calvary Division Alumni Association met today in Flatwoods, WV.  President Jim Hays presided with members in attendance VP Marie Dockery-Goben, Bill Carpenter, Robert Goben, Robert Minney, Arnold McCartney and the chapter welcomed newest member, Gary Austin.  The members discussed raising more awareness of the chapter to fellow WV veterans and growing  membership; volunteering and contacting active WVNG, ROTC cadets and the 1/150th Calvary Regiment.  The chapter also discussed  it's desire to host another alumni reunion in Charleston, WV in the near future.  The fall chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, September 11, 2021.                       Facebook: During our fall meeting the chapter elected new officers.  The new president is Jim Hays, vice president is Marie Dockery.  We wish to express our gratitude to out-going, and past president Bill Carpenter.  Other business discussed included the post annual convention wrap-up, and the direction of the chapter going forward.  Our next meeting will be the first Saturday in April (6th), 2019.  We will assemble at the Shoney's restaurant at the Flatwoods exit of I-79 in Braxton Co., WV at 1PM.  All First Team veterans and friends are cordially invited to attend.  For further information about the chapter contact Jim Hays at 304-924-6380 or

California Central Coast

For meeting information please contact Barney B. Jones at (831)-917-5952 or e-mail firstcav-cc-chapter@outlook      

Columbia Williamette

Portland, OR

JULY / AUGUST 2024   Jim Johnson and Terry Low attended the Oregon Military Hall of Fame sponsored by Ken Buckles.  Of the eight inductees, they heard fabulous stories of our Oregonians’ contributions to the military during their time in service.  Also Jim told the true story of how tootsie roll candies were delivered by mistake to a unit in Korea.  Worthy of mention because thousands of candies were actually much needed by our Troops to survive the harsh Korean winter.  Our Troops eventually got what they asked for initially, thousands of rockets. Barry Commo reported a story from his 2/8th retreat recently where the medivac pilot had three choppers crippled on one rescue mission, the last of which crashed in the jungle with the pilot wounded in four places.  Needless to say he was awarded “plenty honors,” “recognition galore” and the “mission-driven” pilot award which was common.  Go 2/8th. Barry Commo, Jim and Charlene Johnson, and Steve Kernek gave an oral history panel to a classroom of Junior high school students at the SW Christian HS in Beaverton, Oregan before the May 9th chapter meeting.  The very insightful, attentive students were studying world history, and their questions were very perceptive.   May 27th, 2024, our chapter participated in the Memorial Day Ceremony at the Oregon Vietnam Memorial, Portland, Oregon.  We annually show the Division Flag next to our 25th ID brothers during this very meaningful remembrance of the Oregon Vietnam War KIA/MIA.  The first hour is the reading of the 800+ names to be remembered, followed by a fly over by seven local pilots in a great formation, very well done.  The speaker was a founder of the memorial board tracing the history of the conception and construction of the "Garden of Solace", free to all Veterans for all time.  The group then march up to place flags and wreaths at the MIA panel of names.  We come for solace and reflection in remembrance of Oregon's fallen and our brothers from all corners of the earth lost during the conflict.     Effective immediately the Columbia-Willamette Chapter has changed its president and meeting place as follows: COLUMBIA-WILLAMETTE   Pres: Tom Boardman 3216 NE 110th Place Portland OR 97220 (503) 320-7790  Email: Meets 1200 2nd Thurs of each month at Elmer’s Restaurant, 10001 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR.                                                                 21 September 2022 Call to order July 14th lunch meeting:  Terry mentioned the 25th picnic at the lake, Gordy mentioned a 3’ putt gone awry, Barry mentioned the Car show, and Mike C, Treasurer, was AWOL, ill, so we wish him good health.  Steve K brought a poster/map of Vietnam from The National Vietnam War Museum, PO Box 1779, Weatherford, Tx 76086, 940-325-4003,  This is a newly completed museum if anyone is traveling in the Fort Worth area, they can visit this site just west of the city.  The gift shop sells this poster for $27.  Our own Scott Thompson’s picture jumping from a slick was prominently displayed in one of the museum’s letters to subscribers.  Scott was famous, bless him.  See poster below.   Maj. Lloyd of the Salvation Army Vet and Family Center, Beaverton, Oregon, came and spoke  about their wonderful support for needy veterans.  The 58 current residents, veterans and their families, are referred and partially funded by the VA.  Jim J and Steve K met Maj. Lloyd of the Salvation Army Vet and Family Center at one of the K9Kavalry events in Tigard and wished she could join us sometime for a description of her mission with veterans, their families, and homelessness.   Supported by 3 case managers, their stay is usually 1-9 months, some longer but always with the goal of placement in a more stable community setting.  Some on hospice, some moving to a sober lifestyle, some escaping domestic violence, and others found homeless, individuals and families have a nurturing and safe respite from uncertainty and hopelessness.  We thank Maj. Lloyd for her time and message and presented the Vietnam poster for their use at 14825 SW Farmington Rd, Beaverton, 503-731-3951, .  See Maj. Lloyd’s picture below.   27 June 2022                                   Our members joined other Veterans and community supporters to remember and honor a Navy Veteran’s military internment ceremony at the Willamette National Cemetery.  Garnie Craig Hylton, age 70, of Portland, passed away on February 21, 2022. A call goes out for unclaimed Veterans, so no one is left to be forgotten and without honor. There are several events each year and our chapter consider it a measure of brotherhood to show up and be there for our brother Veteran without family to claim them at internment.  Caption: Graveside service for Garnie was held April 20, 2022, at Willamette National Cemetery The Oregon Vietnam Memorial in Portland, Oregon, is the most fitting place to be on Memorial Day, 2022.  The 11-acre site is a winding trail with 6 alcoves covering phases of the Vietnam War listing the 808 Oregonians lost by period.  Each alcove highlights political and military connections to the period as well as local events and happenings across Oregon. Our Chapter joined the 25th Infantry Division chapter at this year’s event to witness the reading of all names engraved on the alcoves.  Speakers stressed how the memorial was not a shrine but a living garden of solace, free and open 24 hours every day.  About 20 persons shared the reading of the names, punctuated by occasional comments about brothers, classmates, ranks, MOS, time in country, dates lost, and how they were and are valued.  We share in the honor and respect for our fallen war dead.   20 April 2022               The February meeting of the Columbia-Willamette Chapter passed a motion to support the with $250.00 for the equipping and initial training of a veteran and their dog, new to their program.  This March meeting welcomed Dan Regester, K9K, back to receive our check from Michael Carter, Treasurer.  Dan spoke of this money funding the intake and equipping of Cori and Paige, a Navy PO3 field surgeon, in Uncasville, Ct.  Our best wishes go out to Cori and Paige as they join the “Pack” and may all the benefits of life-affirming bonding between veteran and dog spotlight the healing found within the “Pack”. The Columbia-Willamette Chapter encourages other chapters to explore the, their mission and benefit to veterans and their dogs.  They serve more than just the Northwest, having clients across the country. The following is Dan Regester’s e-mail thanking the chapter for our donation and their future events calendar. I really enjoy meeting with your crew. Thanks for bringing me back, and for the donation. You know we are putting it to good use. Corine has finished basic training, been in contact with her trainer, had a first session and scheduled a second. our supply dept should get her gear kit ordered today. I'll send pics once it arrives. Also, I'll be shipping the patch you gave me to Corine so she can put it on Paige's vest. Here's a recap of our events so far for 2022. We would love to see you at any/all of these. But if you had to choose one, choose the Dalles event on May 22nd. That's going to be the most fun and will be jam packed with dogs and dirty racecars. April 22-24: K9K Training center work party. All dogs, veterans, and volunteers are welcomed. We need an electrician and a plumber, hopefully pro-bono, to help install a new PEX system and a power line for a water heater for our dog bath. May 7: K9K Dog days of Summer - A muster of Veterans and dogs at Tualatin Community Park in cooperation with Washington County, Or. Meant as an outreach campaign for at-risk Veterans and hopefully find more brothers or sisters to serve.  Live dog training exercises, swag and freebees, refreshments, free to all. Walking distance from the Tualatin VFW. Would love to see some Stetsons in the ranks. May 20: K9K has a booth at Portland International Raceway for day 1 of Oregon Trail Rally. T-shirt fundraiser and PTSD awareness campaign. This is an evening event and VERY loud. May 21: K9K has a booth at the Run to Remember hosted by VFW Tualatin and Oregon National Guard. Same objectives as the 20th, only really early in the morning and much quieter. May 22: Day 3 of Oregon Trail Rally. This stage will either be in Dufur or Goldendale, most likely ending in The Dalles. In the morning, they have an expose' where they show off the cars. Then they race, then gather again for awards. K9K pack members (includes 1st cav) can take photos with the cars, drivers, and other dogs in the pack. Colorado Motorsports will let us take pictures IN their cars, if that's your thing. June 25: K9K has a booth at the Salute to Veterans Car Show. This event is usually pretty small, in a parking lot, but a lot of fun. It's in Hillsboro. August 18th: USO golf tournament. Might be good fun for a 1st cav golf team if you can get one together. I can help arrange to make that happen if you are interested.  This is a lot!  I'll send more information periodically.  Thanks again, and let me know if anyone is interested in our program.  Cheers,       Meeting Information   Meets at 1800 the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Village Inn located at 1621 NE 10th Ave., Portland OR 97232;  E-mail is  You can visit our website      

Connecticut Chapter


JULY / AUGUST 2024 Funeral Detail for fallen brother Steve Carter.  L-R John Larensen, Paul Marling, Picture Steve Carter, Al Johnson, Keith Moyer, Bob Waz.  Next Chapter meeting, July 27, 12:30, at the Chester, CT. Marina.  This is our annual picnic/barbeque meeting.  All prospective members, and guests no matter branch of service, are invited. Call President Keith Moyer for details 860-885-4330 or email 28 December 2022   Next general meeting, Saturday, April 22 at the Manchester Ct. American Legion.  Meeting starts at 1:00.  All members and their guests are invited.  Prospective members are encouraged to attend.                 Chapter meeting.  L-R:  Bob Waz, Paul Marling, Al Johnson, Jack Kranyak, Steve Carter, Keith Moyer, Glen Bentz, John Larensen.       21 September 2022 CT Chapter summer barbeque.  Back row L-R:  Keith Moyer, Glen Bentz, John Larensen, Bob Waz.  Front row:  Al Johnson, Rich Magner, Jack Kranyak.  Next general meeting:  October 14, at the East Hampton CT VFW  1:00.  All members and their guests and prospective members are encouraged to attend.                   27 June 2022         CT  Cav Association attending  the Traveling Wall in Cheshire Ct. on June 3.  Our next general meeting will be Friday, October 15, 1:00 at the Waterbury, CT.  VFW.  All members and prospective members are invited.  For more information contact Keith Moyer  860-885-4330 or           5 May 2022 CT Cav Association April meeting.  Next CT Chapter meeting is our annual barbeque/picnic scheduled for Friday July 22 at 1:00 at a place to be determined.  All members and prospective members are invited.  Call Keith Moyer 860-885-4330 or email for info on location.  Details to follow.       3 March 2022          

An impromptu lunch.  L-R:  Bob Waz C 1/7, Al Johnson B 15 TC Battalion, Keith Moyer B 1/5.  The Connecticut Chapter will meet April 16, 1:00 at the Manchester American Legion, Manchester CT.  All members, their guests and prospective members are welcome.  For further information contact President Keith Moyer, 860-885-4330,

      29 June 2021 Picture of the memorial service for one of our founding chapter members, Bill Pomeroy, on 31 May.  Pictured L-R: Steve Carter, John Larensen, Paul Marling, Keith Moyer, Al Johnson, and Sandi Pomeroy.  Our next meeting will be October 23 at the Manchester American Legion, Manchester Ct. starting at 1:00.All members and prospective members are encouraged to attend.  For further information contact President, Keith Moyer:mm860-537-1716 or     CONNECTICUT CHAPTER The Connecticut Chapter finally held an official meeting at the Manchester American Legion.  Everyone was glad to get back together.  Pictured are Bob Waz, Paul Marling, Al Johnson, Jack Kranyak, Steve Carter, Keith Moyer, Glen Bentz, John Larensen.   Our next meeting will be the annual summer barbeque/meeting at the Chester Marina in Chester, CT starting at 1:00 pm on July 17.  Food will be provided by the chapter.  All members and prospective members are invited to attend.  For further information contact President, Keith Moyer860-537-1716 or <>.      

Crossed Sabers Chapter

JULY  /AUGUST 2024 Hello Cav Troopers!  It was great to see all of you at the reunion this past month. Even though it was a repeat location I was happy to see the awesome attendance.  The fellowship and camaraderie was as always, a blessing.  The best part of reunion for me is seeing and hanging out with all of my Veteran friends.  Serving, no matter when it was, makes a connection that cannot be replicated.  I hope to see all of you in Reno, NV. Those that are thinking about attending for the first time, trust me you will not regret it, you will have a great time and meet wonderful new friends and reconnect with old friends. If you are not aware, something new that is starting for upcoming reunions: there will be a Silent Auction competition for the Chapters and Regimental Associations to donate a basket/raffle item to see who raises the most money.  All proceeds go to the scholarship fund.  I have already been working on the Crossed Sabers Chapters donation.  I am laying out the challenge to bring your "A" game and try and beat us....Good luck. Our Crossed Sabers banner was secured by someone other than us.  So if you have seen it, or know who has it, we would like our legacy item returned. Thank you. v/r Joseph Wilgeroth, 1st Vice President   21 September 2022 There are lots of changes happening in the First Team.  New units, restructuring, and making the First Team the most lethal Division in the U.S. Army; and some of that will be on display during CAV Week and will be discussed on the Division’s social media pages and on other types of media. The Chapter will be participating in the CAV 101 Parade marking the Division’s 101 Birthday on September 16th which ends the CAV Week.  We are looking forward to a large crowd of Troopers from the local area and some from places far away to help celebrate the Division’s Birthday and spend time with the active-duty Troopers of the First Team. We haven’t had a Stable Call recently but are setting a goal for a Chapter Stable Call on Thursday, September 29th at 1800 hours at the Horse Cavalry Detachment barn. Snacks and drinks will be provided. See you there.  First Team! Chapter President, Dennis Webster.       5 May 2022 Memorial Day is coming up and honoring those who served and are no longer with us is one of most satisfying things we can do.  The Long Roll Muster at our Annual Reunion is always a special time for me and I remember COL Joseph W. McNaney reading the Vietnam War portion from past reunions.  There were others, but Doc always read it with feeling.  Please plan on attending the Reunion this year in Dayton, Ohio and consider volunteering to assist the Association with registration, unit and war lunches, and the Memorial Service. Contact Dara at the Association and volunteer to assist. First Team! Dennis Webster, President.     3 March 2022                 Photo Caption:  PVT Reese Myers, Co. A, 1-5th CAV, receives her Division Patch on 23 February 2022.  Newly assigned Troopers are “Patched” by their leadership after going through orientation with Pegasus Troop for 8 days.    The Chapter is getting set up for a meeting that will be held around the time that you receive this issue of SABER.  Since the pandemic is slowing down and restrictions on activities are lessening, we hope to have our monthly Stable Calls and will try to move them around to different locations in the Central Texas area. All Life members of the 1st Cavalry Division Association that live in the Central Texas area are automatically members of the Crossed Sabers Chapter.  This includes all the active-duty Troopers that are stationed at Fort Hood that are Association members.  I have been attending weekly briefings of newly arrived Troopers and explaining the benefits of membership in the Association and really appreciate the opportunity that is provided to me by the Division Command.  We are starting to see fruit as membership is growing and we are seeing more customers in the Souvenir Shop now located in the Association Headquarters in Copperas Cove. We hope to see many of you at the Reunion in Dayton, Ohio in July.  First Team! Dennis Webster, President         January 10, 2022             New members of the 1st Cavalry Division attending a briefing in the Ironhorse Chapel December 2021. CROSSED SABERS CHAPTER  Happy New Year to everyone from the members of the Crossed Sabers Chapter.  I have been regularly attending the Division’s Newcomer orientations and briefing all new Cav Troopers about membership in the 1st Cavalry Division Association.  There are some perks to being an old guy that isn’t on anybody’s payroll and spending time with CAV Troopers is one of them. The Chapter had several members assisting with the preparation of wreaths and placing wreaths at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery last month and will be involved in the retrieval of the wreaths on the first Saturday of January. We will have one of out two meetings of the Chapter on the 24th of March and it will be held at the VFW in Killeen beginning at 1800 hours.  This is a business meeting that will be held to conduct Chapter business and plan for events throughout the rest of this year.                              The members of the Chapter have survived the winter storm that hit Texas.  Many of our members lost power, had frozen pipes, and some went without water or experienced boil notices.  Many of you that live in northern climates and experience frigid temperatures and lots of heavy snow and ice storms are probably wondering what all the fuss is about a one-week cold storm, but for those of us who live in the southern states it is not a normal experience.  Our houses aren’t built for cold weather, they are built to withstand heat.  Our road departments do not have snowplows or salt because it isn’t cost effective.  While many of us are transplants and have lived in northern climates we are not as hardened to the climate as we once were. We have had no Chapter activities in the past two months but will have some in the weeks and months to come.  We are looking forward to a great 1st Cavalry Division Association Reunion to be held at Fort Hood/Killeen in September and hope that you join us in a much warmer Texas.  First Team!  Dennis Webster, President  Photo Caption: Harsh weather conditions in Texas.   Crossed Sabers Souvenir Shop Board meeting is the 4th Tuesday of the month except for December, 11:30 at 1st Cavalry Division Association Headquarters, 302 N Main St, Copperas Cove TX.  Open to everyone.  General Membership meeting is 3rd Wednesday of March and September at 6pm, place TBD.  For more information watch our Facebook page 1st Cavalry Division Association Crossed Saber Chapter.      

Florida Chapter

Orlando, FL

  We meet on the 2nd Tues of each month at the VFW 2093 on Edgewater Rd in Orlando at 1300 (1pm).  Gilbert Harris is the new President (407-296-2413) and Tom Atkinson is the new Vice President (407-679-0780).  

Florida Troop E “Black Hats”

Meets 4th Saturday each month from May to September to at 1:00 p.m.  Location is Biggys Place  3701 Fowler St. Fort Myers, Fl  33901. Visit our web page at or email to .  For meeting information.    

Follow Me

Columbus, GA

Meets 1900 the 4th Tuesday each month at the Veterans Center, 1000 Victory Dr. Columbus, GA .  There is not a meeting in December.  

James H. Unruh (SS) Central Pennsylvania

July August 2024 The James H. Unruh, Central Pa. Chapter of the 1st Cavalry Division Association held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 11 at 6 pm at the Lititz VFW Post 1436, 14 Spruce St. in Lititz, Pa., 17543.  The chapter held their election of officers with the following officers being elected: President: Michael Mazzaro, Vice President: Charles Bechtel, Secretary: Andre McMullen, Treasurer: J. Michael Devenney and Public Relations: James Pontz.  Topics of discussion included the upcoming Community Days at the Airport program set for Saturday and Sunday, September 7 and 8 at Lancaster Airport.  The chapter will be setting up a display table at the event both days.  Also discussed was a letter to be sent out to the chapters members encouraging them to become active in the chapter.  Finally there was a decision made to continue participating in the Wreaths Across America program.  The next meeting of the chapter will be held on Tuesday, July 9 at 6:00 pm at the Lititz VFW Post.  For further information, contact Mike Mazzaro at 717-389-1000.     28 December 2022 The next meeting of the James H. Unruh, Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the First Cavalry Division Association will be held on Tuesday, March 14, at 6:00 pm at Lititz VFW Post 1463, located at 14 N. Spruce St. in Lititz, Pa. 17543 (Lancaster County).  We are the only First Cavalry Division Association Chapter in the state of Pennsylvania and we welcome anyone who is serving or ever served with the Cav. to attend one of our meetings and join our ranks.  We meet monthly on the second Tuesday of each month, at 6:00 PM. We hope to see you on March 14, 2023.
    21 September 2022   James Unruh CenPenn Chapter, would like to extend a warm and heartfelt “Welcome home” to all the local Vets that traveled back to Vietnam in June. Chuck Bechtel and Michael Mazzaro were amongst that group. We had the opportunity to visit sites in Quan Tri, Camp Evans, the A Shau Valley and Khe Sanh, where the 1st Cav Div operated in 1968. Most of the FB and LZ we occupied are overgrown with trees and Casava plants. Camp Evans is now a Vietnamese Army Base, and of course, off limits. The A Shau is mostly rice paddies and forest, and AO clean up continues there. Khe Sanh is a museum, with an abundance of Communist Propaganda. Quan Tri and Dong Ha cities have grown along with the population. The people were friendly, the food was good, as was the entire trip. Although it was much hotter than we remembered. Do you think age has anything to do with that? Upon our return, we were escorted home by 50-75 VFW Bikers and Liberty War Birds Huey 823 flew cover. We also received a huge Welcome Home by a crowd of over 500 people. Need I mention the shedding of a few tears of joy. IT WAS A GREAT WELCOME. We would also like to extend a Thank you to VFW post 537 for their donation to our Chapter and to the First Cav Div Assoc Scholarship Fund. We will also be participating in the Lancaster County Airport Community Days Celebration, Sep 17 & 18. We will be set up near Liberty War Birds Huey 823 and other Military Organizations. We will be looking to new members and selling Wreaths for Wreaths Across America. Thank You.
5 May 2022
Our chapter will meet on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at 6 pm at Lititz VFW Post 1463 located at 14 N. Spruce St. in Lititz, Pa.  The meeting will be held on the lower level of the building and the entrance is adjacent to the parking lot on the north side of the building.  Membership is open to anyone who ever served with or was attached to the 1st Cavalry Division and is a member of the 1st Cavalry Division Association or is a Gold Star Family member.  Members will be discussing the upcoming Community Days at the airport program at the Lancaster Airport and the Wreaths Across America project among other items. The James Unruh, Central Pennsylvania Chapter, is proud to continue its support of the Wreaths Across America project efforts to place a wreath on every Veterans grave at Christmas time. We currently support efforts at the Fort Indiantown Gap National Cemetery. We are also looking into adopting a couple of smaller cemeteries in the Lancaster County area. If you would like to support our efforts, please go to: <>.  Wreaths are $15.00 each and can be donated in "Memory of" or in "Honor of" any Veteran you may know. A couple of our members will be travelling back to Vietnam in June of this year, after a 50+ year hiatus. Seventeen Vietnam Vets will be making the trip, sponsored by a local teacher who was evacuated from Vietnam as a 5-year-old child in 1975.  Her story is amazing, but too long to publish here.  She does love her Vietnam Vets.  Several family members will accompany us on the trip, as well as a local news and film crew to document our trip. For additional information, go to <> or call 717-389-1000 and leave a message.
20 April 2022
The James H. Unruh, Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the 1st Cavalry Division Association will meet on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 6:00 pm at Lititz VFW Post 1463 located at 14 N. Spruce St. in Lititz, Pa.  The meeting will be held on the lower level of the building and the entrance is adjacent to the parking lot on the north side of the building.  Membership is open to anyone who ever served with or was attached to the 1st Cavalry Division and is a member of the 1st Cavalry Division Association or is a Gold Star Family member. Members will be discussing the upcoming Community Days at the airport program at the Lancaster Airport and the Wreaths Across America project among other items.  For additional information, go to <> or call 717-389-1000 and leave a message.
The James H. Unruh, Central Pa Chapter of the First Cavalry Division Association held our first meeting in over a year on May 4.  Our next meeting is on Tuesday, July 6 at 6:00 pm at Lititz V.F.W., Post 1463, 14 North Spruce St., Lititz, PA., 17543.  Use the entrance door by the parking lot on the north side of the building. For additional information, email <> or call 717-389-1000.  Letters can be sent to Michael T. Mazzaro, President, 2600 Willow Street Pike North, PMB 231, Willow Street, Pa. 17584.  Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every odd numbered month at the V.F.W. post.

Florida’s First Coast Chapter


18 September 2024

Message from Jesse Crimm: What an absolute pleasure it was to meet each of you for the 1st Calvary Division monthly luncheon.  Thank you for your kindness and hospitality to Angela and I to share how City Rescue Mission is bringing hope, care, and kindness to all who are in desperate need in the Jacksonville area.  Should any questions arise from the members of the group, please reach out to Angela or myself. You are also all invited to our fall graduation class ceremony held at City Rescue Mission McDuff Campus, 426 McDuff Avenue South.  We would be honored to have you attend and hear the testimonies of this semester’s graduating class.  Commencement begins Friday, September 27th at 7pm  Please let me know if you can attend. Joy Foucault Philanthropy Officer             September / October 2024 “Continue to march” the DI used to say.  We did so then and do so still here in Jacksonville, FL. We have addressed the issue of homeless vets sleeping on the street by supporting the City Rescue Mission. CRM gives them rest, food, job training if accepted, and hope.  We agree with that mission. By the time you read this, we will have attended the Vets 4 Vets Conference held annually in the Veterans Memorial Arena. Our presence is visible as we wear our Cav Gold and Black shirts and Stetsons. If you are reading this for the first time and thinking about your Cav experience and live in NE Florida, our phone and contact information is included on this page. We can pull up a chair for you.  And we can make a place for wives as well.     JULY / AUGUST 2024 Just because it is nice to see your name in print, here is a list to admire for many reasons: Sam Berninger, Ray Skipper, Johnny Michael, Lou Urso, Lee Kratzer, Larry Weiss, Leigh Ware, Lamar Walker, Bob Freeland, Ted Ginsburg, John Baxley, Ron Johnson, Lewis Sellers. These are the Troopers that make our monthly roll call regularly.   Sadly, the total mailing list is about five, yes five, times as long.  So, if you are reading this and you live in the 32-zip code area, just know there is a place at our table held for you.  It is like the symbolic empty table at American Legion Posts set and waiting for occupancy.   Our June presentation was from the Veterans Domicile in Lake City Florida.  Actually there are 12 domiciles in Florida.  That and no state income tax might be a reason to crank up your 55 Hudson and head this way.   7 December 2023 FLORIDA’S FIRST COAST CHAPTER December meeting reminder WEDNESDY Dec 20th 12:00 hrs American Legion Post on San Juan Ave Bring a reasonable contribution for your “free” lunch.   14 September 2023 Tuesday September 19 12:00 Mandarin Ale House, 11100 San Jose Blv Bibical Battles:  Delta Force from Genesis 14 5-20,  and Command Ethics taken from1 Samuel 30 9-26 AAR presented by Robert Parks   28 December 2022   From St. Augustine to St. Mary’s we have traveled the roads of Clay, Duval, St. John’s, Nassau, and Putman counties to literally be the Cavalry of Florida’s First Coast. Our meeting speakers have been Afghan vets, POW flame keepers, terrorist interrogators, and therapists. But more importantly, we speak to each other in comradeship.  We are members of the Duval County Veterans Council and endorse the American Legion by memberships and support of the Auxiliary. If you are reading this and live in the North Florida area, our contact information is included.  Think about it.  Wouldn’t it be interesting to meet a veteran from the 1st Cav’s Occupation of Japan? Wouldn’t it be informative to learn the inside ropes of negotiating the VA system?  Come.  We have insights.  We even have an Air Force vet who attends just because he likes us. 4 November 2022 Florida’s First Coast Chapter Our 1st CAVLRY November meeting is at the Hope Therapy Horse Ranch just south of Middleburg, yes Middleburg.. Tuesday November 15th at 14:00 hrs.  Yes 14:00 at the Ranch. No lunch is expected on site. Therefore eat in advance of approximately an hours drive in traffic from Jax, south on Blanding Blv (SR 218) to Middleburg. Our brothers at the Legion Post on San Juan Ave. plan to eat and depart from there.  If you choose to join them at the Legion for lunch prior to departure, call so the kitchen staff can accomodate.   Now: directions:   FROM: Orange Park, Blanding Blv (SR 218)  go SOUTH towards Middleburg. Go thru Middleburg till you see the CIRCLE K store on your left and a DUNKIN DONUT on your right. Continue south for approximately 1/2 mile to NOLAN Road on your right. Bear/ angle right onto Nolan.  (Not a 90% turn per the map) Go approximately 1/4 mile to BIG BRANCH Road.  Turn right on Big Branch. Continue on Big Branch for approximately 1/2 mile till Big Branch turns 90% left.  Turn Left. staying on Big Branch. At the end of Big Branch is the Horse Ranch.  Pull in, unsaddle.     21 September 2022           September-October Planning Our September meeting on Tuesday the 20th will be at Ted’s Montana Grill, Blanding Blv, Orange Park, 12:00 Our speaker will be Rick Siber, a contracted Afghanistan investigator and retired Jax police veteran. Plans are under way for an October Equine Therapy visit to Middleburg.  You may have seen several versions of how such therapy heals veteran traumas. The National POW/MIA Memorial Museum is in Jacksonville FL. We had a presentation of the present configuration and future plans at our August meeting. In September we presented ourselves at the Museum and took the grand tour. If you visit, look for our Memorial Brick embedded in the walkway. The museum is south of I-10 at the Chaffee Rd. exit.  Go and see.   We had a presentation in July from a retired Marine SGM who is now a fitness instructor. He gave us good advice on two fronts. 1.  In dealing with the VA, be patient - persistent - and prevail.  2. Any exercise is better than none.  Even rotating your arms is better than flopping them to your side.   If you are reading this and live in or north of St. Augustine or south of St. Mary’s, you are within driving distance of our meetings. Contact information is printed above.  And long distance calls are free.  Notice our flag and uniforms in the picture.       27 June 2022           We continue as brothers alternating our monthly meetings between Westside and Southside of Jacksonville because of the geographic size of Duval County. In June, our speaker, Joe Adcox, presented his personal story of his march to physical fitness after retiring as a Marine SGM. Joe gave us two reminders. 1.With regard to VA claims, never give up, persist.  The VA is a vast bureaucracy and each voice when called or spoken to seems to pass to another voice.  Use the computer if possible.  You will eventually prevail. 2. Any activity is better than no activity with regard to your health.  Even rotating your arms is good.  Swimming works.  But again your persistence towards health is best.  Anything works more than nothing. In July we will dedicate a 1st Cav Memorial brick on the walkway at the National POW/MIA Museum at Cecil Field in Jacksonville.  For those of you interested or on a trip to Florida, the Museum should be on your bucket list.  Take the Hwy 23 south exit off of I-10 to POW/MIA Parkway.  To add to your trip enjoyment, the Museum is next to the golf course. Here also is a bit of philosophy for you and a picture of our last meeting.  Nice uniforms wouldn’t you say?   20 April 2022         Our comradeship continues.  We do not so much rehash the past as we do look to the future. We alternate our meetings Southside to Westside in Jacksonville at locations convenient to St.Augustine, Palatka, Yulee, Mayport and Macclenny. Call the listed number for which BBQ joint we will visit next. In March our presentation was from Chris Miller, a staff member of our Congressman, John Rutherford, and candidate for local office in his own right. Chris spoke to us on the state of the city, Jacksonville, and his vision for the same. In April, Ron Hasty, the Veteran Outreach Coordinator for the University of Florida Health System, presented his program that addresses TBI. His wellness and recovery programs have other locations throughout the USA.  They accept referrals for evaluation and treatment at 904-244-3289. All veterans are eligible to apply for this TBI program. We continue to be represented at veterans conferences where our distinctive gold and black Cav shirts and hats distinguish us. If you would like to order uniforms for your own Chapter, call Lou Urso at 516-987-2898 for routing to the vendor.   22 February 2022               February was travel month for us as we accepted Jeff Lay’s request to visit St. Augustine FL. If not already in your home town, it’s coming, that is a cafeteria at a car dealership. We tip our hat to Bozard Ford just off I 95 at SR 16 in St. Augustine.  Jeff is second from the right and in proper uniform. A week later we traveled all the way to downtown Jacksonville to attend the Vets4Vets conference. All in uniform, we attracted attention and our secretary, Ray Skipper signed up four new applicant vets that saw us and hastened to apply. Ray is second from the left in the picture.  And, we found two speakers for our next meetings. Thanks Johnny Michael for showing our flag, literally.  Johnny is third from the right. Unfortunately, by the time you are reading this, time will have slipped into the future as the song was once sung. So, if you live in Palatka, Bostwick, Yulee, Maclenny, Vilano or even Hastings, call the above number to get onto the meeting notification list.       16 December 2021             Greetings for the New Year from north of St. Augustine and south of St. Marys, the land of no state income tax.   In October 2021, we heard from Jon Singleton (USN of all things) who told us of how he toiled to extract his interpreter from Afghanistan. In November we listened to Col.(ret) John Porter’s AAR tales of command including finding and redirecting the lost convoy. Our December meeting featured double thick buffalo or beef burgers from Ted’s Montana Grill in Orange Park. January will see city councilman at large, Matt Carlucchi, speak to us at our return to Southside and Miller’s Ale House.   St. Augustine, Palatka, Palm Valley, Crescent Beach and Hastings wake up.  We are headed your way in February to Ford’s Restaurant near the outlet mall exit off of I95. Watch your emails or call 904 534 8899.   Correction to the last report:  Leigh Ware was reported to be in his 90’s.  He is only 89.  He is still, however, our hero from the Occupation of Japan days. And here we all are including Jeff Lay, sporting his winter beard, who drives up from St. Johns County.  That’s Lou Urso out of uniform without his cap. We thank Johnny Michael for the construction of our chapter flag.   18 November 2021   DECEMBER Meeting: Tuesday the 14th at 12:00 Ted’s Montana Grill, Just south of I 295 on Blanding Blv, Orange Park Family gathering.  Wives, and others of importance to you are invited. It would be good to let Doc Skipper know in advance of you and others attending for the appropriate reservation number. 904 573 0134           June 2021 On Memorial Day, we had a representative at the Jacksonville National Cemetery for the proceedings there. One of our own will soon take the Honor Flight from here to Washington.  Honor Flight does just that, honors vets with a day at the Memorials in D. C. At our June meeting, we had two presentations which should be of interest to other Chapters. 1. Operation Barnabas: a group that finds, houses, rehabs, veterans in need or other distresses. Contact person is Raylan Heck 904 401 2972. 2. U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps: a group of vets that supplements first responders in times of local emergencies. Contact person is Carl Lay 904 679 2155. We urge other Chapters to consider these two groups in your support planning.   April 2021       We made it to the Vets 4 Vets convention at the Jacksonville Arena as you can see.  How about our Chapter caps?  Pretty snazzy and ordered by Lou Urso our Treasurer.  And what about our own Chapter Flag in the background? 1st Class operation we say.  Sam Berninger is our VP, Ray Skipper our Secretary and Johnny Michael our Sgt at Arms. Because of the geographic size of Jacksonville, we alternate meetings between Southside and Westside. You will get this Saber just in time to make our June 15th meeting at Ted’s Montana Grill on San Jose Blvd.  Stay tuned or get on the mailing list for more details. Our only problem with the Arena meeting was that the next table over won the 50/50 door prize.  We were one ticket away from having to report to the IRS.   But we did add two more names to the email notification list.  Feel left out?  See contact info above. We regret the passing of James Murphy.  He was a great guy, and we keep his memory with us.

Fort Knox

Louisville, KY

JulyAug2024 As you know, our chapter hosted the 76th reunion in Louisville again this year.  I am glad it went well. I was hoping to see more members visit our replica Vietnam Memorial Wall in Elizabethtown, KY, only about 25 came.  I realize it was a very hot day; however the members who showed up had a great experience and many said that from now on they will be coming to visit even during non-reunion times.  I look forward to our next reunion and hope for a good turnout.  See attached photos of the registration desk with our chapter members and a general photo of the social area. Thanks for another great year. Robert W. Griffin, Vice President             We have a couple updates for May June 2021:  

1) We have moved our meeting location to 1158 N. Dixie Hwy, Radcliff.  all else stays the same.


2) Member LEE EDWARD BROOME died on 5/10/21.  (see attached obit) He was with D 1/5 Cav. 69

Lee Edward Broome, 81, of Louisville, passed away peacefully on Monday, May 10, 2021. He was a retired Tank Tech for the Department of Defense, U.S. Army, serving three tours in Vietnam and earning a Bronze Star for Valor.  


  For more more information about joining our Chapter please e-mail Larry Whelan at or call him at (502)-439-6454. Facebook:  

James J. Mason, West Michigan

Grand Rapids, MI

  Meets on 3rd Thursday of February, April, June, August, October and December 7 p.m. at the Grand Valley Armory in Wyoming, MI.  If you have questions please feel free to e-mail the POC for our chapter Bob Anderson  Or call Bob at (616)-682-5446. Michigan has been hard hit with the COVID-19 pandemic and as such our activities have been put on hold. Our primary activity is hosting Bingo at the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. That facility is currently closed to all but staff. The March Bingo was cancelled and most likely the May Bingo as well. These are the first activities in over 13 years that have been cancelled. So far there have not been any reported cases among the residents. We are ever hopeful that the August Bingo can still be held. Contact Bob Anderson at 616.682.5446 or e-mail him at for more information. First Team! 

Jumping Mustangs

Former Jumping Mustangs nationwide

Visit our web page for Chapter details,  or e-mail James C. Knafel at


Kettle Moraine

Milwaukee, WI

July / August 2024 On Saturday, June 8th at Racines’ Pritchard Park Veterans Memorial a granite stone signifying the Kettle Moraine Chapter of the 1st Cavalry Division Association of SE Wisconsin was unveiled along with the names of 18 members of the chapter.  Additional bricks will be engraved with chapter members over time.  The 1st Cavalry Division, also known as the First Team, has an honored history in many past wars, including WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, and the War on Terror.  Forty-four members of the 1st Cavalry Division have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.  Pictured above is the unveiling of the memorial.  From left is Racine Mayor, Corey Mason; in center is Racine County Veterans Service Officer, Shawn Rivers; on the right is Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave.  In the background on the left is Mike Lorber, Vice President of the Chapter, and next to him on his left is chapter president, Fred Douglass. PIC1 In the group photo of the initial inductees at Pritchard Park Veterans Memorial are, starting from the extreme left front row and indicating their country of service is Joe Bever (Korea); Archie Molina (Vietnam); Thomas Putnam (Vietnam); Darry Dahl (Vietnam); Paul Petersen (Vietnam); Julius Mianecki (Japan); and Mike Kopaczewski (Vietnam).  Back row from left: Robert Richter (Vietnam); Bill Berns (Vietnam); Mike Lorber (Vietnam); Fred Douglass (Vietnam); Andrew Sabin (Iraq); Harold Bourne (Vietnam); Gerald Nelson (Vietnam).  Not pictured: Matt Dragicevic (Vietnam); and Emmett Hicks (Vietnam). Two bricks are inscribed with the names of two deceased members, both previous chapter presidents, Gordy Weiner and Dick Schwarten.       20 April 2022           The photo above was taken at our March 12, 2022 meeting. The Kettle Moraine Chapter of Southeastern Wisconsin met on March 12, 2022 at The Bunker sport's bar in Waterford, Wisconsin to commemorate the chapters' donation of 1st Cav decals on this Vietnam era gunship.  Members standing are (left to right): Gordie Weidner (chapter president), Fred Douglas, Robert Richter,  Mike Kopaczewski, Julius Mianecki, Paul Petersen, Mike Lorber, Jerry Nelson, and Thomas Butnam.  Not pictured: Archie Molina, Bill Burns, Harold Bourne, Joe Bever, and Andy Sabin. The chapter also donated a bronze plaque highlighting the 1st Cav's history.     20 June 2017 Chapter meets quarterly on the second Saturday of March, June and September at 12:00, at the Bunker in Waterford, WI.  On the second Saturday of December at 12:00 (for the elections of officers) at the Meyers Restaurant in Greenfield, WI.

Los Angeles/Orange County

Los Angeles, CA

  Meets 0900 on the 3rd Saturday of the month at American Legion Post 132, 143 S. Lemon St. Orange CA  92866. For more information e-mail or call John Guillory at (951)278-3740.


Former LLRP/Rangers nationwide

Click on the link below to be taken to the LRRP/Ranger page.             Full Chapter Meeting during Reunions.

New York/New Jersey

New York, NY

September /0October 2024 The NY/NJ Chapter welcomed Ruth W. Crocker as our guest speaker at the September 7th meeting. Ruth is the widow of Army Captain David R. Crocker, Jr. who was killed in action on May 17, 1969 in the area near Dau Tieng in III Corps. Crocker was Company Commander of A Company, 2 Bn. (Mech), 22d Infantry Regiment. Ruth discussed her best selling book, Those Who Remain, Remembrance and Reunion After War. She presented a PowerPoint program and detailed her inspiration to climb the treacherous north face of the Eiger Mountain in the Swiss Alps in an effort to find solace from her loss. Ruth’s book reveals a secret discovered long after the battlefield death of her beloved and courageous army officer husband. In 2006 she discovered, at a chance reunion meeting of members of her husband’s unit, that those who survived the war – his comrades devoted to keeping his memory alive – would bring the ultimate healing to her life. Her compelling and true story has a surprising revelation for those who seek to understand the resilience and emotional transformation following heartbreaking loss, demonstrating the tenacious will of the human spirit to heal. Those Who Remain has won the Benjamin Franklin and Military Writers Society of America Silver Awards. More information can be found at The NY/NJ quarterly chapter meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, including family members, guests and interested parties. Our next meeting will be held on October 19. The meeting will start at 10:00 AM, with a meet and greet, followed by presentations starting at 11:00. Guest speaker TBA. Our meetings are held at the Elks Lodge, 20 Spruce Street, Ridgefield Park, NJ. There is no cost to attend, and coffee and a free buffet lunch will be served. Come join us! To stay informed of future chapter events, send an email to Robin Bartlett, Chapter President,, or call 201-856-7530.               July August 2024   Fred Robins, Member Liaison of the NY/NJ Chapter 1st Cavalry Division Assn, was recently honored as the Grand Marshall of the Creskill Memorial Day Parade.  Inclement weather canceled the parade, but Fred provided an excerpt of his speech given at the American Legion Hall on Monday, May 27, 2024: After training, I was immediately sent to Vietnam and assigned to the 1st Air Cavalry Division.  I served as a helicopter crew chief.  A book and movie were made about my unit.  When I read the prologue of, We Were Soldiers Once and Young, by Moore and Galloway, I found that almost every word and sentence related to how I felt about my Vietnam experience.  My remarks today are paraphrased from the book's prologue. We were the children of the 1950s and went where we were sent because we loved our country. Many were draftees, and many had enlisted, but we were proud of the opportunity to serve our country just as our fathers had served in World War II and our older brothers in Korea.  The unit I joined was an experimental combat division trained in the new art of airmobile warfare at the behest of President John F. Kennedy.  We went to war because our country asked us to, because our new President, Lyndon B. Johnson, ordered us to, but more importantly, because we saw it as our duty to go. Leading us were the sons of West Point and the young ROTC lieutenants from Rutgers and the Citadel and, yes, even Yale University, who had heard and answered Kennedy's call.  There were also the young, enlisted men and NCOs who passed through Officer Candidate School and emerged newly minted officers and gentlemen.  All laughed nervously when confronted with the cold statistics that measured a second lieutenant's combat life expectancy in minutes and seconds, not hours. Our story is about what we did, what we saw, and what we suffered in South Vietnam when we were young and confident and patriotic.  At the same time our countrymen knew little and cared less about our sacrifices.  We knew what Vietnam had been like and how we looked and acted and talked and smelled.  No one in America did.  Hollywood got it wrong every damned time. Many of us, myself included, returned home, rebuilt our lives, found jobs or professions, married, raised families, and waited patiently for America to come to its senses.  As the years passed, we searched for each other and rediscovered the half-remembered pride of service was shared by those who had dug foxholes beside us.  With them, and only with them, could we talk about what had really happened over there---what we had seen, what we had done, what we had survived. Our story, then, is a testament and tribute to over 58,000 Americans who died beside us during those years and whose names are etched on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., and in our hearts.  This is also the story of the suffering of families whose lives were forever shattered by the death of a father, son, husband, and brother in that land. The NY/NJ Chapter meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, including family members, guests and interested parties.  Our next meeting will be held in September.  The meeting will start at 10am, with a meet and greet, followed by presentations starting at 11am. Guest speaker and date TBA.  Our meetings are held at the Elks Lodge, 20 Spruce Street, Ridgefield Park, NJ.  There is no cost to attend, and coffee and a free buffet lunch will be served. Come join us!  To stay informed of future chapter events, send an email to Robin Bartlett, Chapter President, <>, or call 201-856-7530.   24 August 2023   Dear Friends of the 1st Cavalry Division, Our next chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, September 23 starting promptly at 11:00 am. We have to be finished by 1 pm, so please try to come at 10:00 am to enjoy coffee and conversation. Our meeting will be held at the Elks Lodge located at 30 Spruce Avenue, Ridgefield Park, NJ. 07660. We have an exciting lineup of speakers. The first will be a representative from Honor Flights who will provide a brief overview of this amazing, free program that flies veterans to Washington, DC, to visit the memorials. Our second guest speaker will be David Drummond, a former Vietnam POW. David was an Air Force B52 pilot based in both Guam and Utapao, Thailand. His aircraft was hit by two SAMs on December 21st, 1972, the third day of Operation Linebacker II. His entire crew bailed out safely and is the only complete American crew to return alive to the USA. David was taken prisoner, tortured by the North Vietnamese and held at the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" and a second prison called the "Zoo." He returned to the US at the end of the war in March 1973. After separation from the Air Force, David completed a 30 year career as a pilot for American Airlines and as a flight test engineer for Bell Helicopter. David will be joined by his wife, Jill Drummond, who is a retired clinical psychologist, writer and author with expertise in PTSD. She has been involved with veterans' issues and has played a key role in developing and producing two public seminars on veterans' benefits and resources. Jill will also participate in this presentation. Here are three more important dates: Bergen County POW Recognition Day Ceremony: Friday, September 15 @ 12:30 PM. Seats have been reserved for veterans and Cav members. Please attend wearing Veteran/Cav hats and shirts. I've been asked to furnish a head count, so if you are able to attend.       The Traveling Wall: August 31 to September 3: a 1/2 scale version of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial will be erected at Bergenfield High School, Bergenfield, NJ, beginning August 31 with the opening ceremeony to be held on September 1st. This is a wonderful way for you, family members and friends to visit a replica of "The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial" and see this awe-inspiring structure.     The Wall That Heals is headed to New York City: Thursday, September 28 through Sunday, October 1. This is the 3/4 scale version of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial sponsored by VVMF to be dispalyed at Flushing Meadows Corona Park (131-04 Meridian Road, Queens, NY. The field on the southwest side of the World Ice Arena). All are welcome to attend our chapter meetings. Our meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, division, or unit assignment. We welcome spouses, relatives and friends and interested parties. There are no dues or charges to attend. Coffee and a buffet lunch will be served. We're a great group. Come check us out! Please share and post this communication. Invite interested parties to come to our meeting and register to receive future communications, information about our meetings and important local activities. For questions or more information about our next meeting, to offer suggestions or request information about our chapter please click the red button below. Meetings are held on Saturdays at the Ridgefield Park Elks Lodge, located at 30 Spruce Street, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660.      Tribute to our friend Bob Arbasetti Our chapter was deeply saddened by the passing of our former President, Robert  Arbasetti, August 6, 2023. Bob was President of the chapter for 23 years. A resident of Bogota, NJ, he worked at the Ridgefield Park post office after completing his military service. Bob was a proud Vietnam veteran. His passion extended far beyond his military service and his heart was devoted to the wellbeing of his fellow veterans. He cared about supporting and fostering the community and he believed that it was critically important that veterans pass on their stories to their families and grandchildren. Bob was also a photographer. It was more than a hobby and became a means of capturing cherished moments. He delighted in candid snaps of his beloved grandchildren and always made sure meeting photos were posted                                                                                                                 to the chapter Facebook page.. Bob was laid to rest with military honors at the Brigadier General William C. Doyle Memorial Cemetery in Wrightstown, NJ. Here is a link to his obituary: The following memories were provided by chapter members who knew him best: By Tom Lee, Chapter Historian: When we last spoke over the phone in July while he was in the hospital, he sounded fine, was in good spirits, and he enthusiastically spoke about going (after his recovery) back to the Photo Expo next year. I hoped it was possible for him more than for me. When I heard of his sudden passing, I was shocked and saddened. His passing is a great loss to all who knew him; he had many friends in the veterans community and Elks and was the pillar of our chapter. He was a veteran’s veteran, he’d been there, and had done that. I will miss our long talks and his insight. Hey Bob, I will make that pilgrimage solo for you in your memory next year, recall the good times, and look at all that expensive gear we still can’t afford. R.I.P. my friend. By Fred Robins: Bob was one of the early members of the chapter and actively participated in all activities. He later became a member of the board of Governors of the National 1st Air Cav Association. Bob dedicated most of his personal time while Chapter President to planning activities and assisting all veterans. He will be sorely missed. By Bob Heintz: My fondest memories of Bob are the many times we traveled together over the years. That involved trips to Fort Hood in February for Board of Governors meetings as well as many reunions. It was not unusual to be sitting in airports for several hours waiting for flight delays and we would often be approached by other Cav members to just talk. It is well known that Bob liked to talk to people. It was a good way to pass the time.  When we were at the reunion just after the Desert Storm conflict was over, we were talking to the division sergeant major saying how we wished we could help in the conflict. The sergeant major looked at both of us, obviously out of shape, and simply said "PT is overrated". We laughed about that for many years. We also met frequently in Washington DC for Veterans Day where my wife "adopted" him and encouraged him to join us for meals at the local restaurants. When he had difficulty keeping up with us walking, she made sure we all slowed down for him. Bob always said that he had to behave or she would kick his butt! With all our travel and the many hours together, we really never had any conflict. I told him once that in all of that time, I only had to call him a pain in the ass once! Another laugh that lasted for years. Bob was a good friend and I will miss him greatly.   27 January 2023 Dear NY/NJ Chapter 1st Cav Division Association Members:   Reminder: our next chapter meeting is scheduled for February 25, 2023 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Lodge in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue.) There is no charge to attend and a buffet lunch will be served. Please invite your friends and military buddies to come regardless of unit or branch. Meet old friends and make new ones. In the event of bad weather, we will reschedule for another date in March. More details to follow. Our next guest speaker will be LTC. David Siry, recently retired, who is currently an Assistant Professor of Military History at the US Military Academy. David is the Director of the Center for Oral History at West Point. He graduated from USMA in 1994 and chose Armor as his branch. He served in many assignments around the world to include Iraq, Kuwait, Bosnia, Haiti, Ft. Campbell and Ft. Knox, KY. Most recently, he served as an Operations Officer and Executive Officer with the 3d Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division and as a Team Chief on a Military Transition Team working with the Iraqi Army, Air Force and Police in Wasit Province with the 1st Cavalry Division. Come to the February meeting to hear more about some of the interesting stories David has conducted as Director of the West Point Oral History Project. On March 29, Americans will come together to commemorate the service and sacrifices made by the nearly 3 million service members who served in Vietnam. In 2012, President Barack Obama signed a presidential proclamation, designating March 29 as the annual observance of Vietnam War Veterans Day. The Vietnam Veterans Day Commemoration Team has authorized the distribution of a Vietnam Veteran lapel pin to all veterans and family members who served during the Vietnam era. Our chapter has received a supply of pins and one will be given to each Vietnam Veteran attending our next two meetings. The signing of the commemorative proclamation by Obama marked the 50th anniversary of the departure of the last American troops from Vietnam — March 29, 1973. Only U.S. embassy personnel and support staff remained in South Vietnam until the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. Here is what the President had to say: "The Vietnam War is a story of service members of different backgrounds, colors and creeds who came together to complete a daunting mission," the proclamation states. "It is a story of Americans from every corner of our nation who left the warmth of family to serve the country they loved. It is a story of patriots who braved the line of fire, who cast themselves into harm's way to save a friend, who fought hour after hour, day after day to preserve the liberties we hold dear." As you know, more than 58,000 Americans were killed and many thousands more were wounded and injured or determined to be missing. Tens of thousands of families suffered from this loss. The proclamation also states: "In one of the war's most profound tragedies, many of these men and women came home to be shunned or neglected — to face treatment unbefitting their courage and a welcome unworthy of their example. We must never let this happen again." All are welcome to attend our chapter meetings. Our meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, division or unit assignment, and for relatives and interested parties.                                                                              Please post this communication and invite interested parties to register to receive future communications, information about our chapter meetings and important local activities.   For questions or more information about our next meeting or about our chapter please click the red button below. Sincerely, Robin Bartlett, President

NY/NJ Chapter, 1st Cav Division Association

Robin Bartlett


NY/NJ Chapter, 1st Cavalry Division


Chapter Ambassador:

Bob Arbasetti -

Chapter Liaisons:

BobHeintz -

Fred Robbins -

Al Carpenter -

  1 September 2022 This Cav newsletter: is for all service members regardless of branch, division, rank or unit assignment, and for relatives and interested parties. This periodic communication will provide notice of future chapter meetings and important local activities. Mark your calendar: Our next chapter meeting will be held on October 15 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Club in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue, Ridgefield Park). There is no charge to attend and a buffet lunch will be served. If you're curious about our chapter, please come to the meeting, meet old friends and make new ones. Or, click the red button below to ask a question. Please forward and post: forward this email to your vet friends and post on your unit bulletin boards for all to see. If you wish to be added to our mailing list click the red button below or send an email to Our guest speaker at the October meeting will be Takeshi “Tak” Furumoto. Born in an American internment camp during WWII, Tak grew up in Japan, returned to the US to attend college at UCLA and then joined the Army. As an OCS 1st Lieutenant, Tak served a tour in Vietnam from 1970-71 as an Intelligence Officer in the Hau Nghia Province near the Cambodian Border (Parrot's Beak) in III Corps. He was an advisor to the Vietnam National Police Chief during the CIA's Operation PHOENIX and worked to neutralize VC infrastructures in the region. Returning to the US, Tak suffered from both PTSD and AO poisoning. Tak will discuss and answer questions about specific engagements in Vietnam and his challenging return to civilian life after Vietnam. You wont want to miss his amazing story! Also attending our meeting: will be Kevin O'Hora from the Division of Veterans Services in Bergen County. Kevin has a wealth of information about benefits available to service members including healthcare, surviving spouses and children, military burial, filing claims for pension and compensation for disabilities and PTSD. If you are unable to attend our meeting you can reach Kevin at 201-336-6325 or by email at For questions, information, or to be added to our mailing list: please click the red button below. Please forward this message: to your veteran friends regardless of branch, rank or affiliation. All are welcome at Cav meetings. Be well, stay safe and WELCOME HOME! Robin Bartlett 25 July 2022 Dear Sky Troopers, The Cav Newsletter. Our newsletter is for all service members regardless of branch, division or unit assignment, and for relatives and interested parties. This periodic communication will provide notice of our future chapter meetings and important local activities. Visit to the Moving Wall in NJ. Several Sky Troopers recently visited the Moving Wall at the County College of Morris. The Moving Wall is a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. The Wall was sponsored by VFW Post 7333 and donations are still gratefully appreciate. For more information about the Moving Wall go online to: Veterans Pulse Newsletter. The VA has recently started an informative newsletter called "Veteran Pulse." It contains very helpful information about the VA in New Jersey (addresses, telephone numbers and healthcare information for both men and women and all the VA hospitals and clinics in NJ. To start receiving your copy of this informative publication click the button below and I will send you a link. Mark your calendar: Our next chapter meeting will be held on October 15 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Club in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue). There is no charge to attend and a buffet lunch will be served. If you're curious about our chapter, please come to the meeting, meet old friends and make new ones. Or, click the red button below to ask a question. Our guest speaker at the October meeting will be Takeshi “Tak” Furumoto. After graduating from UCLA in 1967, Tak enlisted in the Army completing Basic and AIT at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. This was followed by Engineering OCS at Ft. Belvoir, MD, the Monterey Language School in CA, and Combat Intelligence School in MD. He worked to neutralize VC infrastructures as a part of the CIA's Operation PHOENIX. For questions or more information about this meeting or our chapter please click the red button below. Have a Great Summer. I will check back in another month! Robin Bartlett President 27 June 2022   All service members regardless of branch or unit assignment, relatives and interested parties are invited to the next meeting of the New York/New Jersey Chapter of the 1st Cav Division on Saturday, October 15. The meeting will be held from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Club in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue). There is no charge to attend, and a buffet lunch will be served. Please join us to meet old friends and meet new ones. Our guest speaker at the October meeting will be Takeshi “Tak” Furumoto. After graduating from UCLA in 1967, Tak enlisted in the Army completing Basic and AIT at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. This was followed by Engineering OCS at Ft. Belvoir, MD, the Monterey Language School in CA, and Combat Intelligence School at Halibut, MD. As a 1st Lieutenant, Tak served a tour in Vietnam from February 1970-71 as an Intelligence Officer at the Due Hue District, Hau Nghia Province near the Cambodian Border (Parrot’s Beak) in III Corps. He was assigned as an advisor to the Vietnam National Police Chief, during the CIA’s Operation PHOENIX. He worked to neutralize VC infrastructures in the district. He was awarded the Bronze Star for actions during the Cambodian invasion by US and ARVN forces in 1970. Returning to the US, Tak suffered from both PTSD and AO poisoning. He has been active in real estate development in Fort Lee, NJ, the town’s Chamber of Commerce, VFW Troop 2342, and in human rights activities. Tak will discuss some specific engagements in Vietnam and thoughts on the war. For more information about this meeting please contact Robin Bartlett, President, NY/NJ Chapter 1 CDA, 10 May 2022         Photo Caption: L To R NewChapter President Robin Bartlett and Bob Arbasetti   On April 31, The New York-New Jersey Chapter held its spring meeting, the last meeting that I will have as president.  The chapter elected a new president, Robin Bartlett.  In the next issue of the Saber, Robin will introduce himself.  We had a good turnout.  Everyone seems happy to see each other.  Once again, we were fortunate to have Meegan Wadleigh as our photographer; despite dealing with a primitive camera and crusty old Veterans, her work was outstanding I want to thank everyone who not only turned out this time but all who have helped and supported me through my presidential term.  Thanks to the 1st Cavalry Association and the kind people who have guided me over the past 20+ years.  I also want to thank Fred Robins, Bob Heintz, and all chapter members past and present who have contributed to my success I want to leave everyone with the idea that it's time to share your story and tell who you were when you went to War.  Don't let others tell a story that is not yours.  Let them know what life was like back then, how little life experience we had.  Although the war was unpopular, we served our country with pride. Tell Family and friends about all those we met along the way.  Some good, some bad but all our brothers.  Tell of sacrifice we share; the loss of life and explain how the War has lived in us for so many years and how it has become the filter we see the world. 2021                   During the timeframe of the Afghanistan war, I thought about returning to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to visit wounded Soldiers.  The best time to do this wound be Veterans Day week in Washington D.C.  The 1st Cavalry Div Association stays at a hotel for Veterans week, and this is an excellent place to assemble our team.  I knew that it would be a difficult visit and the best way was to form a team.  Edie Meeks, a nurse in an army field hospital in Vietnam, was the first person I approached.  I knew that her ability to deal with patients and hospital situations would steady the team.  Then I sought chapter members and friends who were wounded in combat, whom I knew in Washington, to join the group. On our first visit, I realize that none of us were prepared for what we were about to experience.  Even though the Soldiers were in their twenties, they seem like school-age children. We were surprised to see many female Soldiers with a few missing limbs because of many roadside bombs. All were happy to see us; some wanted to show us videos that they shot.  Others wanted to show pieces of shrapnel that were taken out of their bodies.  Others wanted to display their scars.  Most patients wanted someone to talk to.  The hospital can be a lonely place to be. Everyone seems pleased to visit with these Soldiers.  It reminds one of the sacrifices they made.  To me, it just how terrible war is and how costly the price that is paid. The New York-New Jersey Chapter will hold its Fall Meeting on Oct 16, 2021, at the Ridgefield park Elks Lodge in Ridgefield Park NJ. Check out the Facebook page for updates.

Bob Arbasetti, president 

North Carolina Tarheel Chapter

  Chapter meets 2nd Saturday of March, June, September, and December Contact Don Gibson for membership information. On February 1992 eight veterans of the First Cavalry Division met at the Harnett Country Library. They voted to form an N.C. Chapter. The members were Robert Lloyd, Joe Carpenter, Sam Cope, Bob Cox, James Hall, E.L. Vowtaw, Ben Wilkinson, and Harry Zoldak. The NC Chapter held its first meeting in Lillington on April 25, 1992. Forty-one members were present. Officers elected were President: Robert Llyod, Vice President: Bob Cox, Treasurer: James Hall, and Secretary: Harry Zoldak. We were presented our chapter charter at the 45th Reunion in Billings, Montana, August 8, 1992. Meetings are March, June, September December. Next Meeting is June 1 to allow for the Ft Hood Reunion. We meet in different places. We have a Facebook page for Chapter information. [rl_gallery id="4781"]Facebook: 1st Cavalry Division Association North Carolina Chapter


Seattle, WA

3 March 2022 As we closely monitor world events and the pandemic, we, the 1st Cavalry Division Association, Northwest Chapter are planning events for 2022.  If you are interested in attending any of our events, joining our Chapter, please visit our Facebook page for more information or send us an email:                                      
Reminder, you are invited to our Virtual General Membership Meeting, Saturday, 12 noon, June 5, 2021, via Teams due to COVID-19.   To join our Virtual Meeting, please click on the following link approximately 10 minutes early so that we can start on time.  Be advised, I recommend that you click on the link upon receipt to ensure you do not have issues at the meeting time; once, you confirm that you are able to connect. For your convenience, I will send another link on the morning of the meeting.   To join the meeting on your computer or mobile app; <Click Here> or copy and paste the following link into your browser è   If you have any questions or concerns, please email me as soon as possible so that I can assist you in resolving your issue.   Sincerely,     William Al Jackson Treasurer | Newsletter Editor & Publisher 1st Cavalry Division Association, Northwest Chapter Our board members for 2020 - 2022 are:
President – Gail Porter
Vice President – Clayton Waldron
Secretary – William Jackson
Treasurer – William Jackson
Chaplain – Doug Coles
Current General Membership (1st Saturday; Bi-Monthly (February, April, June, August – Membership Appreciation / Drive Summer Picnic/BBQ, October, December – Christmas Dinner Party)) Meeting Location (click below link for directions) Carrs Restaurant, 11006 Bridgeport Way SW, Lakewood, WA 98499 unless otherwise announced

Sheridans Cavalry

28 December 2022:   Chapter Member Richard O’Brien (Co. D – 2/8 CAV) passed away November 10, 2022 – Rich was interred at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery / Elwood, Illinois.     Our Chapter Christmas Dinner was held December 3 – Chapter Member Paul Brian video recorded our attendees “Go Army / Beat Navy” cheer for CBS Sports Television inclusion during the big game.        2023 Meetings / Event dates – March 11 / May 13 / August 12 Picnic / October 4 / December 2 Christmas Dinner Our meetings and events are normally held at the Roselle American Legion Post #1084, 322 East Maple Ave., Roselle, IL 60172.  Our Sheridan Chapter cordially invites any one who served or was attached at any year with the 1st Cav to join our group. Contact Terry Hodous POC at or 773.445.1213 for additional information regarding membership or attending our future events.   3 March 2022:

2022 Meeting dates –  March 12 /  May 14 / Picnic August 6 / October 8 /  Christmas Party December 3 – meetings and events are typically held at the Roselle American Legion Post #1084, 322 East Maple Ave., Roselle, IL 60172.

    Taken from Facebook page:

Sheridan's Chapter 1st Cavalry Division

6/29/2021 Our Charter Member and Medal of Honor recipient Allen Lynch paid a virtual visit with about 27  -  8th grade students at Elwood School, Elwood Illinois. The students were able to read about Lynch before the meeting and to write questions regarding his experiences.  The students were engaged and appreciated hearing his presentation regarding  his military experiences with the 1st Cavalry Division. The Chapter Annual Picnic scheduled for August 7th at the Roselle American Legion Post. Our Oct 9th Membership Meeting is scheduled at the Italian American Veterans Museum in Stone Park. The Sheridan Chapter cordially invites  any one who served or was attached at any year with the 1st Cav to join our group. Contact Terry Hodous POC at or 773.445.1213 for additional information regarding membership or attending one of our future events. Respectfully submitted Terry Hodous 773.445.1213   6/24/2021 2021 Meeting dates remaining – Picnic August 7 / October 9 / Christmas Party December 4 Meetings and events are typically held at the Roselle American Legion Post #1084, 322 East Maple Ave., Roselle, IL 60172.
Our October 9th meeting will be held at the Italian American Military Museum located in Stone Park IL.
Our Sheridan Chapter cordially invites anyone who served or was attached at any year with the 1st Cav to join our group. Contact Terry Hodous POC at or 773-445-1213 for additional information regarding membership or attending our future events.
March 2021:             2021 Meeting dates remaining – May 8  /  Picnic August 7   /  October 9  /  Christmas Party December 4  Meetings and events are typically held at the Roselle American Legion Post #1084, 322 East Maple Ave., Roselle, IL 60172. Our October 9th meeting will be held at the Italian American Military Museum located in Stone Park IL. Our Sheridan Chapter cordially invites anyone who served or was attached at any year with the 1st Cav to join our group.  Contact Terry Hodous POC at or 773-445-1213 for additional information regarding membership or attending our future events.

Contact Terry Hodous POC at or 773.445.1213 for additional information regarding membership or attending one of our future events.    


Respectfully submitted Terry Hodous 773.445.1213

If you need more information look us up on our Facebook page:, or e-mail

Southeastern Colorado

Las Animas, CO

Meets 1st Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at the Holiday Inn Express in LaJunta, CO. For more information about our chapter please contact our POC John Campos e-mail:  You can also visit our webpage,

Walter H. Westman Northland

Minneapolis, MN

Checkout our latest news letter.   2022 SEPTEMBER for Emailing - 1Cav Newsletter 10-8-22   CHAPTER MEETING DATE:          OCTOBER 8, 2022  TIME:           10:00 – 11:00 Social Hour                      11:00 – 12:00 Breakfast & Meeting 

LOCATION:  American Legion Post 118

                  949 East Wayzata Blvd.

                  Wayzata, MN 55391


  This Post donated $1,500.00 to our Grocery card program back in December 2021. We picked this location to show our appreciation for their generous donation.     Jim Wright Treasure   1st Cavalry Division Association Walter H. Westman – Northland Chapter 12781 Able Street NE Blaine, MN 55434   H - 763-757-7140 C - 612-770-6862   3 March 2022   The Fall meeting of the Walter Westman Northland Chapter was held at VFW Post # 4847 St. Cloud Mn.with a business meeting and lunch. The group then moved to the St. Cloud Regional Airport for a special tour and visit to the home base of  B Company 1st General Support Aviation Battalion,Minnesota Army National Guard CW5 Jason Wright gave the group an informative and closeup look of the UH 60 Black Hawk and CH 47 Chinook Inventory and support mission overview of deployment to Kuwait and Iraq. CW5 Wright is the son of the Northland Treasurer Jim Wright. [envira-gallery id="5601"] Meets quarterly at different location. Call, write or e-mail for meeting information. POC:  James Wright (763)-757-7140 12781 Able St. NE, Blaine, MN  55434 E-mail:    

William A. Richardson National Capitol Region Chapter

Alexandria, VA

22 September 2022   In March, we had an excellent presentation given by Mr. Brad Garrett, retired FBI. Brad spoke on DOMESTIC TERRORISM to include:

  • Extremist groups have been part of this country (quick discussion of KKK founding, how it has gone up and down, now other groups have similar views); Timothy McVeigh; Sen Joseph McCarthy; John Birch Society
Current state of right-wing extremist groups and how under President Trump they became empowered, grown in numbers have tremendous influence over a significant part of our population  
  • Why are people attracted to extremist groups/conspiracy theories; what can be done to reduce this line of thinking.
  Our guest speaker in April was Christopher M. Smith, foreign service officer at the Department of State, speaking about his recently published book, Ukraine's Revolt, Russia's Revenge: an eyewitness account by a U.S. diplomat of Russia’s brazen attempt to undo the democratic revolution in Ukraine. Chris is currently a student at National Defense University's College of Information and Cyberspace.In In May, our speakers will be Henry “Rocky” Colavita.  Rocky retired from the Army in 1983, completing 20 years.  He is known for his highly successful ambush tactics as CO, D/2/8 Cav, 1968-69. Carlos Collat.  Carlos retired from the Army after a 30-year career.  Carlos served in 2/8 Cav - just after Rocky’s time there.  Carlos also was a pilot in the 229th Assault Helo Bn, flying Combat Assaults. Rocky will be the “main” speaker and focus on highly successful ambush tactics.  Carlos will support Rock’s talk with his own experiences.  Both men are extremely proud to have served in 1st CAV. Both men attended the 2-8 Memorial Service for the 50 anniversary of the crash of a CH-34 on it’s way to take members of the battalion to a well-earned R&R. Many family members were in attendance as well as Chapter members. Finally, 3 of the chapter attended the CAV Reunion in Dayton, Ohio. This was my first and it was really great. If you haven’t attended a reunion – do it. It is worth every penny. A company 1-5 was well represented with Foggy Day Warriors from A company. More to report in the next Saber and we plan to get the Chapter back in action in the Fall. If you want more information on the Chapter call me, Gene Russell at 703-220-5322 or email me at   5 May 2022   We met in January and wished each other Happy New Year and in Feb we said goodbye to COL Fred Barrett. Below is a picture of Uncle Fred’s Daughters and Son with me and Aunt Gladys. L to R: me, Kathy Peters (Dallas, TX), ALICE Feeley (Arlington, VA) Aunt Gladys, Gale Barrow (Savannah, GA), Fred lll (Falls Church, VA) In March, we had an excellent presentation given by Mr. Brad Garrett, retired FBI. Brad spoke on DOMESTIC TERRORISM to include:
  • Extremist groups have been part of this country (quick discussion of KKK founding, how it has gone up and down, now other groups have similar views); Timothy McVeigh; Sen Joseph McCarthy; John Birch Society
Current state of right-wing extremist groups and how under President Trump they became empowered, grown in numbers have tremendous influence over a significant part of our population  
  • Why are people attracted to extremist groups/conspiracy theories; what can be done to reduce this line of thinking.
  Our guest speaker in April was Christopher M. Smith, foreign service officer at the Department of State, speaking about his recently published book, Ukraine's Revolt, Russia's Revenge: an eyewitness account by a U.S. diplomat of Russia’s brazen attempt to undo the democratic revolution in Ukraine. Chris is currently a student at National Defense University's College of Information and Cyberspace.In In May, our speakers will be Henry “Rocky” Colavita.  Rocky retired from the Army in 1983, completing 20 years.  He is known for his highly successful ambush tactics as CO, D/2/8 Cav, 1968-69. Carlos Collat.  Carlos retired from the Army after a 30 year career.  Carlos served in 2/8 Cav - just after Rocky’s time there.  Carlos also was a pilot in the 229th Assault Helo Bn, flying Combat Assaults. Rocky will be the “main” speaker and focus on highly successful ambush tactics.  Carlos will support Rock’s talk with his own experiences.  Both men are extremely proud to have served in ICAV We are, currently, working our schedule for the summer months and will announce it later. If you are interested in joining the Chapter, please feel to contact me, via phone 703-220-5322 or via email, Also we are doing a live presentation for those who come to the American Legion and doing ZOOM for those staying home. Join us.     December 2021 The Chapter Zoomed into 2021 and is never looking back.  We are ready to get to the new normal and to resume having breakfast together and enjoying each other’s company.  We met in January and wished each other Happy New Year.  February, we had an excellent presentation given by Mr. Brad Garrett, retired FBI. Brad spoke on Domestic Terrorism to include:  Extremist groups have been part of this country (quick discussion of KKK founding, how it has gone up and down, now other groups have similar views), Timothy McVeigh, Sen Joseph McCarthy, John Birch Society; Current state of right-wing extremist groups and how under President Trump they became empowered, grown in numbers have tremendous influence over a significant part of our population; Why are people attracted to extremist groups/conspiracy theories; what can be done to reduce this line of thinking. We are, currently, working our schedule for March and April and will announce it later.  If you are interested in joining the Chapter, please feel to contact me, via phone 703-220-5322 or via email, <>.   Meets 3rd Saturday of the month January - April and September - October 0900 at the American Legion Post 176, 6520 Amherst Ave., Springfield VA.  Breakfast available prior to start of meeting.  June meeting is at WRAMC and November meeting is at the Association Veterans Day gathering. For more information e-mail Gene Russell at  

  • Almost Heaven West Virginia

    June 2021:     The Almost Heaven WV Chapter of the First Calvary Division Alumni Association met today in Flatwoods, WV.  President Jim Hays presided with members in attendance VP Marie Dockery-Goben, Bill Carpenter, Robert Goben, Robert Minney, Arnold McCartney and the chapter welcomed newest member, Gary Austin.  The members discussed raising more awareness of the chapter to fellow WV veterans and growing  membership; volunteering and contacting active WVNG, ROTC cadets and the 1/150th Calvary Regiment.  The chapter also discussed  it's desire to host another alumni reunion in Charleston, WV in the near future.  The fall chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, September 11, 2021.                       Facebook: During our fall meeting the chapter elected new officers.  The new president is Jim Hays, vice president is Marie Dockery.  We wish to express our gratitude to out-going, and past president Bill Carpenter.  Other business discussed included the post annual convention wrap-up, and the direction of the chapter going forward.  Our next meeting will be the first Saturday in April (6th), 2019.  We will assemble at the Shoney's restaurant at the Flatwoods exit of I-79 in Braxton Co., WV at 1PM.  All First Team veterans and friends are cordially invited to attend.  For further information about the chapter contact Jim Hays at 304-924-6380 or

  • California Central Coast

    For meeting information please contact Barney B. Jones at (831)-917-5952 or e-mail firstcav-cc-chapter@outlook      

  • Columbia Williamette

    Portland, OR

    JULY / AUGUST 2024   Jim Johnson and Terry Low attended the Oregon Military Hall of Fame sponsored by Ken Buckles.  Of the eight inductees, they heard fabulous stories of our Oregonians’ contributions to the military during their time in service.  Also Jim told the true story of how tootsie roll candies were delivered by mistake to a unit in Korea.  Worthy of mention because thousands of candies were actually much needed by our Troops to survive the harsh Korean winter.  Our Troops eventually got what they asked for initially, thousands of rockets. Barry Commo reported a story from his 2/8th retreat recently where the medivac pilot had three choppers crippled on one rescue mission, the last of which crashed in the jungle with the pilot wounded in four places.  Needless to say he was awarded “plenty honors,” “recognition galore” and the “mission-driven” pilot award which was common.  Go 2/8th. Barry Commo, Jim and Charlene Johnson, and Steve Kernek gave an oral history panel to a classroom of Junior high school students at the SW Christian HS in Beaverton, Oregan before the May 9th chapter meeting.  The very insightful, attentive students were studying world history, and their questions were very perceptive.   May 27th, 2024, our chapter participated in the Memorial Day Ceremony at the Oregon Vietnam Memorial, Portland, Oregon.  We annually show the Division Flag next to our 25th ID brothers during this very meaningful remembrance of the Oregon Vietnam War KIA/MIA.  The first hour is the reading of the 800+ names to be remembered, followed by a fly over by seven local pilots in a great formation, very well done.  The speaker was a founder of the memorial board tracing the history of the conception and construction of the "Garden of Solace", free to all Veterans for all time.  The group then march up to place flags and wreaths at the MIA panel of names.  We come for solace and reflection in remembrance of Oregon's fallen and our brothers from all corners of the earth lost during the conflict.     Effective immediately the Columbia-Willamette Chapter has changed its president and meeting place as follows: COLUMBIA-WILLAMETTE   Pres: Tom Boardman 3216 NE 110th Place Portland OR 97220 (503) 320-7790  Email: Meets 1200 2nd Thurs of each month at Elmer’s Restaurant, 10001 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR.                                                                 21 September 2022 Call to order July 14th lunch meeting:  Terry mentioned the 25th picnic at the lake, Gordy mentioned a 3’ putt gone awry, Barry mentioned the Car show, and Mike C, Treasurer, was AWOL, ill, so we wish him good health.  Steve K brought a poster/map of Vietnam from The National Vietnam War Museum, PO Box 1779, Weatherford, Tx 76086, 940-325-4003,  This is a newly completed museum if anyone is traveling in the Fort Worth area, they can visit this site just west of the city.  The gift shop sells this poster for $27.  Our own Scott Thompson’s picture jumping from a slick was prominently displayed in one of the museum’s letters to subscribers.  Scott was famous, bless him.  See poster below.   Maj. Lloyd of the Salvation Army Vet and Family Center, Beaverton, Oregon, came and spoke  about their wonderful support for needy veterans.  The 58 current residents, veterans and their families, are referred and partially funded by the VA.  Jim J and Steve K met Maj. Lloyd of the Salvation Army Vet and Family Center at one of the K9Kavalry events in Tigard and wished she could join us sometime for a description of her mission with veterans, their families, and homelessness.   Supported by 3 case managers, their stay is usually 1-9 months, some longer but always with the goal of placement in a more stable community setting.  Some on hospice, some moving to a sober lifestyle, some escaping domestic violence, and others found homeless, individuals and families have a nurturing and safe respite from uncertainty and hopelessness.  We thank Maj. Lloyd for her time and message and presented the Vietnam poster for their use at 14825 SW Farmington Rd, Beaverton, 503-731-3951, .  See Maj. Lloyd’s picture below.   27 June 2022                                   Our members joined other Veterans and community supporters to remember and honor a Navy Veteran’s military internment ceremony at the Willamette National Cemetery.  Garnie Craig Hylton, age 70, of Portland, passed away on February 21, 2022. A call goes out for unclaimed Veterans, so no one is left to be forgotten and without honor. There are several events each year and our chapter consider it a measure of brotherhood to show up and be there for our brother Veteran without family to claim them at internment.  Caption: Graveside service for Garnie was held April 20, 2022, at Willamette National Cemetery The Oregon Vietnam Memorial in Portland, Oregon, is the most fitting place to be on Memorial Day, 2022.  The 11-acre site is a winding trail with 6 alcoves covering phases of the Vietnam War listing the 808 Oregonians lost by period.  Each alcove highlights political and military connections to the period as well as local events and happenings across Oregon. Our Chapter joined the 25th Infantry Division chapter at this year’s event to witness the reading of all names engraved on the alcoves.  Speakers stressed how the memorial was not a shrine but a living garden of solace, free and open 24 hours every day.  About 20 persons shared the reading of the names, punctuated by occasional comments about brothers, classmates, ranks, MOS, time in country, dates lost, and how they were and are valued.  We share in the honor and respect for our fallen war dead.   20 April 2022               The February meeting of the Columbia-Willamette Chapter passed a motion to support the with $250.00 for the equipping and initial training of a veteran and their dog, new to their program.  This March meeting welcomed Dan Regester, K9K, back to receive our check from Michael Carter, Treasurer.  Dan spoke of this money funding the intake and equipping of Cori and Paige, a Navy PO3 field surgeon, in Uncasville, Ct.  Our best wishes go out to Cori and Paige as they join the “Pack” and may all the benefits of life-affirming bonding between veteran and dog spotlight the healing found within the “Pack”. The Columbia-Willamette Chapter encourages other chapters to explore the, their mission and benefit to veterans and their dogs.  They serve more than just the Northwest, having clients across the country. The following is Dan Regester’s e-mail thanking the chapter for our donation and their future events calendar. I really enjoy meeting with your crew. Thanks for bringing me back, and for the donation. You know we are putting it to good use. Corine has finished basic training, been in contact with her trainer, had a first session and scheduled a second. our supply dept should get her gear kit ordered today. I'll send pics once it arrives. Also, I'll be shipping the patch you gave me to Corine so she can put it on Paige's vest. Here's a recap of our events so far for 2022. We would love to see you at any/all of these. But if you had to choose one, choose the Dalles event on May 22nd. That's going to be the most fun and will be jam packed with dogs and dirty racecars. April 22-24: K9K Training center work party. All dogs, veterans, and volunteers are welcomed. We need an electrician and a plumber, hopefully pro-bono, to help install a new PEX system and a power line for a water heater for our dog bath. May 7: K9K Dog days of Summer - A muster of Veterans and dogs at Tualatin Community Park in cooperation with Washington County, Or. Meant as an outreach campaign for at-risk Veterans and hopefully find more brothers or sisters to serve.  Live dog training exercises, swag and freebees, refreshments, free to all. Walking distance from the Tualatin VFW. Would love to see some Stetsons in the ranks. May 20: K9K has a booth at Portland International Raceway for day 1 of Oregon Trail Rally. T-shirt fundraiser and PTSD awareness campaign. This is an evening event and VERY loud. May 21: K9K has a booth at the Run to Remember hosted by VFW Tualatin and Oregon National Guard. Same objectives as the 20th, only really early in the morning and much quieter. May 22: Day 3 of Oregon Trail Rally. This stage will either be in Dufur or Goldendale, most likely ending in The Dalles. In the morning, they have an expose' where they show off the cars. Then they race, then gather again for awards. K9K pack members (includes 1st cav) can take photos with the cars, drivers, and other dogs in the pack. Colorado Motorsports will let us take pictures IN their cars, if that's your thing. June 25: K9K has a booth at the Salute to Veterans Car Show. This event is usually pretty small, in a parking lot, but a lot of fun. It's in Hillsboro. August 18th: USO golf tournament. Might be good fun for a 1st cav golf team if you can get one together. I can help arrange to make that happen if you are interested.  This is a lot!  I'll send more information periodically.  Thanks again, and let me know if anyone is interested in our program.  Cheers,       Meeting Information   Meets at 1800 the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Village Inn located at 1621 NE 10th Ave., Portland OR 97232;  E-mail is  You can visit our website      

  • Connecticut Chapter


    JULY / AUGUST 2024 Funeral Detail for fallen brother Steve Carter.  L-R John Larensen, Paul Marling, Picture Steve Carter, Al Johnson, Keith Moyer, Bob Waz.  Next Chapter meeting, July 27, 12:30, at the Chester, CT. Marina.  This is our annual picnic/barbeque meeting.  All prospective members, and guests no matter branch of service, are invited. Call President Keith Moyer for details 860-885-4330 or email 28 December 2022   Next general meeting, Saturday, April 22 at the Manchester Ct. American Legion.  Meeting starts at 1:00.  All members and their guests are invited.  Prospective members are encouraged to attend.                 Chapter meeting.  L-R:  Bob Waz, Paul Marling, Al Johnson, Jack Kranyak, Steve Carter, Keith Moyer, Glen Bentz, John Larensen.       21 September 2022 CT Chapter summer barbeque.  Back row L-R:  Keith Moyer, Glen Bentz, John Larensen, Bob Waz.  Front row:  Al Johnson, Rich Magner, Jack Kranyak.  Next general meeting:  October 14, at the East Hampton CT VFW  1:00.  All members and their guests and prospective members are encouraged to attend.                   27 June 2022         CT  Cav Association attending  the Traveling Wall in Cheshire Ct. on June 3.  Our next general meeting will be Friday, October 15, 1:00 at the Waterbury, CT.  VFW.  All members and prospective members are invited.  For more information contact Keith Moyer  860-885-4330 or           5 May 2022 CT Cav Association April meeting.  Next CT Chapter meeting is our annual barbeque/picnic scheduled for Friday July 22 at 1:00 at a place to be determined.  All members and prospective members are invited.  Call Keith Moyer 860-885-4330 or email for info on location.  Details to follow.       3 March 2022          

    An impromptu lunch.  L-R:  Bob Waz C 1/7, Al Johnson B 15 TC Battalion, Keith Moyer B 1/5.  The Connecticut Chapter will meet April 16, 1:00 at the Manchester American Legion, Manchester CT.  All members, their guests and prospective members are welcome.  For further information contact President Keith Moyer, 860-885-4330,

          29 June 2021 Picture of the memorial service for one of our founding chapter members, Bill Pomeroy, on 31 May.  Pictured L-R: Steve Carter, John Larensen, Paul Marling, Keith Moyer, Al Johnson, and Sandi Pomeroy.  Our next meeting will be October 23 at the Manchester American Legion, Manchester Ct. starting at 1:00.All members and prospective members are encouraged to attend.  For further information contact President, Keith Moyer:mm860-537-1716 or     CONNECTICUT CHAPTER The Connecticut Chapter finally held an official meeting at the Manchester American Legion.  Everyone was glad to get back together.  Pictured are Bob Waz, Paul Marling, Al Johnson, Jack Kranyak, Steve Carter, Keith Moyer, Glen Bentz, John Larensen.   Our next meeting will be the annual summer barbeque/meeting at the Chester Marina in Chester, CT starting at 1:00 pm on July 17.  Food will be provided by the chapter.  All members and prospective members are invited to attend.  For further information contact President, Keith Moyer860-537-1716 or <>.      

  • Crossed Sabers Chapter

    JULY  /AUGUST 2024 Hello Cav Troopers!  It was great to see all of you at the reunion this past month. Even though it was a repeat location I was happy to see the awesome attendance.  The fellowship and camaraderie was as always, a blessing.  The best part of reunion for me is seeing and hanging out with all of my Veteran friends.  Serving, no matter when it was, makes a connection that cannot be replicated.  I hope to see all of you in Reno, NV. Those that are thinking about attending for the first time, trust me you will not regret it, you will have a great time and meet wonderful new friends and reconnect with old friends. If you are not aware, something new that is starting for upcoming reunions: there will be a Silent Auction competition for the Chapters and Regimental Associations to donate a basket/raffle item to see who raises the most money.  All proceeds go to the scholarship fund.  I have already been working on the Crossed Sabers Chapters donation.  I am laying out the challenge to bring your "A" game and try and beat us....Good luck. Our Crossed Sabers banner was secured by someone other than us.  So if you have seen it, or know who has it, we would like our legacy item returned. Thank you. v/r Joseph Wilgeroth, 1st Vice President   21 September 2022 There are lots of changes happening in the First Team.  New units, restructuring, and making the First Team the most lethal Division in the U.S. Army; and some of that will be on display during CAV Week and will be discussed on the Division’s social media pages and on other types of media. The Chapter will be participating in the CAV 101 Parade marking the Division’s 101 Birthday on September 16th which ends the CAV Week.  We are looking forward to a large crowd of Troopers from the local area and some from places far away to help celebrate the Division’s Birthday and spend time with the active-duty Troopers of the First Team. We haven’t had a Stable Call recently but are setting a goal for a Chapter Stable Call on Thursday, September 29th at 1800 hours at the Horse Cavalry Detachment barn. Snacks and drinks will be provided. See you there.  First Team! Chapter President, Dennis Webster.       5 May 2022 Memorial Day is coming up and honoring those who served and are no longer with us is one of most satisfying things we can do.  The Long Roll Muster at our Annual Reunion is always a special time for me and I remember COL Joseph W. McNaney reading the Vietnam War portion from past reunions.  There were others, but Doc always read it with feeling.  Please plan on attending the Reunion this year in Dayton, Ohio and consider volunteering to assist the Association with registration, unit and war lunches, and the Memorial Service. Contact Dara at the Association and volunteer to assist. First Team! Dennis Webster, President.     3 March 2022                 Photo Caption:  PVT Reese Myers, Co. A, 1-5th CAV, receives her Division Patch on 23 February 2022.  Newly assigned Troopers are “Patched” by their leadership after going through orientation with Pegasus Troop for 8 days.    The Chapter is getting set up for a meeting that will be held around the time that you receive this issue of SABER.  Since the pandemic is slowing down and restrictions on activities are lessening, we hope to have our monthly Stable Calls and will try to move them around to different locations in the Central Texas area. All Life members of the 1st Cavalry Division Association that live in the Central Texas area are automatically members of the Crossed Sabers Chapter.  This includes all the active-duty Troopers that are stationed at Fort Hood that are Association members.  I have been attending weekly briefings of newly arrived Troopers and explaining the benefits of membership in the Association and really appreciate the opportunity that is provided to me by the Division Command.  We are starting to see fruit as membership is growing and we are seeing more customers in the Souvenir Shop now located in the Association Headquarters in Copperas Cove. We hope to see many of you at the Reunion in Dayton, Ohio in July.  First Team! Dennis Webster, President         January 10, 2022             New members of the 1st Cavalry Division attending a briefing in the Ironhorse Chapel December 2021. CROSSED SABERS CHAPTER  Happy New Year to everyone from the members of the Crossed Sabers Chapter.  I have been regularly attending the Division’s Newcomer orientations and briefing all new Cav Troopers about membership in the 1st Cavalry Division Association.  There are some perks to being an old guy that isn’t on anybody’s payroll and spending time with CAV Troopers is one of them. The Chapter had several members assisting with the preparation of wreaths and placing wreaths at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery last month and will be involved in the retrieval of the wreaths on the first Saturday of January. We will have one of out two meetings of the Chapter on the 24th of March and it will be held at the VFW in Killeen beginning at 1800 hours.  This is a business meeting that will be held to conduct Chapter business and plan for events throughout the rest of this year.                              The members of the Chapter have survived the winter storm that hit Texas.  Many of our members lost power, had frozen pipes, and some went without water or experienced boil notices.  Many of you that live in northern climates and experience frigid temperatures and lots of heavy snow and ice storms are probably wondering what all the fuss is about a one-week cold storm, but for those of us who live in the southern states it is not a normal experience.  Our houses aren’t built for cold weather, they are built to withstand heat.  Our road departments do not have snowplows or salt because it isn’t cost effective.  While many of us are transplants and have lived in northern climates we are not as hardened to the climate as we once were. We have had no Chapter activities in the past two months but will have some in the weeks and months to come.  We are looking forward to a great 1st Cavalry Division Association Reunion to be held at Fort Hood/Killeen in September and hope that you join us in a much warmer Texas.  First Team!  Dennis Webster, President  Photo Caption: Harsh weather conditions in Texas.   Crossed Sabers Souvenir Shop Board meeting is the 4th Tuesday of the month except for December, 11:30 at 1st Cavalry Division Association Headquarters, 302 N Main St, Copperas Cove TX.  Open to everyone.  General Membership meeting is 3rd Wednesday of March and September at 6pm, place TBD.  For more information watch our Facebook page 1st Cavalry Division Association Crossed Saber Chapter.      

  • Florida Chapter

    Orlando, FL

      We meet on the 2nd Tues of each month at the VFW 2093 on Edgewater Rd in Orlando at 1300 (1pm).  Gilbert Harris is the new President (407-296-2413) and Tom Atkinson is the new Vice President (407-679-0780).  

  • Florida Troop E “Black Hats”

    Meets 4th Saturday each month from May to September to at 1:00 p.m.  Location is Biggys Place  3701 Fowler St. Fort Myers, Fl  33901. Visit our web page at or email to .  For meeting information.    

  • Follow Me

    Columbus, GA

    Meets 1900 the 4th Tuesday each month at the Veterans Center, 1000 Victory Dr. Columbus, GA .  There is not a meeting in December.  

  • James H. Unruh (SS) Central Pennsylvania

    July August 2024 The James H. Unruh, Central Pa. Chapter of the 1st Cavalry Division Association held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 11 at 6 pm at the Lititz VFW Post 1436, 14 Spruce St. in Lititz, Pa., 17543.  The chapter held their election of officers with the following officers being elected: President: Michael Mazzaro, Vice President: Charles Bechtel, Secretary: Andre McMullen, Treasurer: J. Michael Devenney and Public Relations: James Pontz.  Topics of discussion included the upcoming Community Days at the Airport program set for Saturday and Sunday, September 7 and 8 at Lancaster Airport.  The chapter will be setting up a display table at the event both days.  Also discussed was a letter to be sent out to the chapters members encouraging them to become active in the chapter.  Finally there was a decision made to continue participating in the Wreaths Across America program.  The next meeting of the chapter will be held on Tuesday, July 9 at 6:00 pm at the Lititz VFW Post.  For further information, contact Mike Mazzaro at 717-389-1000.     28 December 2022 The next meeting of the James H. Unruh, Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the First Cavalry Division Association will be held on Tuesday, March 14, at 6:00 pm at Lititz VFW Post 1463, located at 14 N. Spruce St. in Lititz, Pa. 17543 (Lancaster County).  We are the only First Cavalry Division Association Chapter in the state of Pennsylvania and we welcome anyone who is serving or ever served with the Cav. to attend one of our meetings and join our ranks.  We meet monthly on the second Tuesday of each month, at 6:00 PM. We hope to see you on March 14, 2023.
        21 September 2022   James Unruh CenPenn Chapter, would like to extend a warm and heartfelt “Welcome home” to all the local Vets that traveled back to Vietnam in June. Chuck Bechtel and Michael Mazzaro were amongst that group. We had the opportunity to visit sites in Quan Tri, Camp Evans, the A Shau Valley and Khe Sanh, where the 1st Cav Div operated in 1968. Most of the FB and LZ we occupied are overgrown with trees and Casava plants. Camp Evans is now a Vietnamese Army Base, and of course, off limits. The A Shau is mostly rice paddies and forest, and AO clean up continues there. Khe Sanh is a museum, with an abundance of Communist Propaganda. Quan Tri and Dong Ha cities have grown along with the population. The people were friendly, the food was good, as was the entire trip. Although it was much hotter than we remembered. Do you think age has anything to do with that? Upon our return, we were escorted home by 50-75 VFW Bikers and Liberty War Birds Huey 823 flew cover. We also received a huge Welcome Home by a crowd of over 500 people. Need I mention the shedding of a few tears of joy. IT WAS A GREAT WELCOME. We would also like to extend a Thank you to VFW post 537 for their donation to our Chapter and to the First Cav Div Assoc Scholarship Fund. We will also be participating in the Lancaster County Airport Community Days Celebration, Sep 17 & 18. We will be set up near Liberty War Birds Huey 823 and other Military Organizations. We will be looking to new members and selling Wreaths for Wreaths Across America. Thank You.
    5 May 2022
    Our chapter will meet on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at 6 pm at Lititz VFW Post 1463 located at 14 N. Spruce St. in Lititz, Pa.  The meeting will be held on the lower level of the building and the entrance is adjacent to the parking lot on the north side of the building.  Membership is open to anyone who ever served with or was attached to the 1st Cavalry Division and is a member of the 1st Cavalry Division Association or is a Gold Star Family member.  Members will be discussing the upcoming Community Days at the airport program at the Lancaster Airport and the Wreaths Across America project among other items. The James Unruh, Central Pennsylvania Chapter, is proud to continue its support of the Wreaths Across America project efforts to place a wreath on every Veterans grave at Christmas time. We currently support efforts at the Fort Indiantown Gap National Cemetery. We are also looking into adopting a couple of smaller cemeteries in the Lancaster County area. If you would like to support our efforts, please go to: <>.  Wreaths are $15.00 each and can be donated in "Memory of" or in "Honor of" any Veteran you may know. A couple of our members will be travelling back to Vietnam in June of this year, after a 50+ year hiatus. Seventeen Vietnam Vets will be making the trip, sponsored by a local teacher who was evacuated from Vietnam as a 5-year-old child in 1975.  Her story is amazing, but too long to publish here.  She does love her Vietnam Vets.  Several family members will accompany us on the trip, as well as a local news and film crew to document our trip. For additional information, go to <> or call 717-389-1000 and leave a message.
    20 April 2022
    The James H. Unruh, Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the 1st Cavalry Division Association will meet on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 6:00 pm at Lititz VFW Post 1463 located at 14 N. Spruce St. in Lititz, Pa.  The meeting will be held on the lower level of the building and the entrance is adjacent to the parking lot on the north side of the building.  Membership is open to anyone who ever served with or was attached to the 1st Cavalry Division and is a member of the 1st Cavalry Division Association or is a Gold Star Family member. Members will be discussing the upcoming Community Days at the airport program at the Lancaster Airport and the Wreaths Across America project among other items.  For additional information, go to <> or call 717-389-1000 and leave a message.
    The James H. Unruh, Central Pa Chapter of the First Cavalry Division Association held our first meeting in over a year on May 4.  Our next meeting is on Tuesday, July 6 at 6:00 pm at Lititz V.F.W., Post 1463, 14 North Spruce St., Lititz, PA., 17543.  Use the entrance door by the parking lot on the north side of the building. For additional information, email <> or call 717-389-1000.  Letters can be sent to Michael T. Mazzaro, President, 2600 Willow Street Pike North, PMB 231, Willow Street, Pa. 17584.  Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every odd numbered month at the V.F.W. post.
  • Florida’s First Coast Chapter


    18 September 2024

    Message from Jesse Crimm: What an absolute pleasure it was to meet each of you for the 1st Calvary Division monthly luncheon.  Thank you for your kindness and hospitality to Angela and I to share how City Rescue Mission is bringing hope, care, and kindness to all who are in desperate need in the Jacksonville area.  Should any questions arise from the members of the group, please reach out to Angela or myself. You are also all invited to our fall graduation class ceremony held at City Rescue Mission McDuff Campus, 426 McDuff Avenue South.  We would be honored to have you attend and hear the testimonies of this semester’s graduating class.  Commencement begins Friday, September 27th at 7pm  Please let me know if you can attend. Joy Foucault Philanthropy Officer             September / October 2024 “Continue to march” the DI used to say.  We did so then and do so still here in Jacksonville, FL. We have addressed the issue of homeless vets sleeping on the street by supporting the City Rescue Mission. CRM gives them rest, food, job training if accepted, and hope.  We agree with that mission. By the time you read this, we will have attended the Vets 4 Vets Conference held annually in the Veterans Memorial Arena. Our presence is visible as we wear our Cav Gold and Black shirts and Stetsons. If you are reading this for the first time and thinking about your Cav experience and live in NE Florida, our phone and contact information is included on this page. We can pull up a chair for you.  And we can make a place for wives as well.     JULY / AUGUST 2024 Just because it is nice to see your name in print, here is a list to admire for many reasons: Sam Berninger, Ray Skipper, Johnny Michael, Lou Urso, Lee Kratzer, Larry Weiss, Leigh Ware, Lamar Walker, Bob Freeland, Ted Ginsburg, John Baxley, Ron Johnson, Lewis Sellers. These are the Troopers that make our monthly roll call regularly.   Sadly, the total mailing list is about five, yes five, times as long.  So, if you are reading this and you live in the 32-zip code area, just know there is a place at our table held for you.  It is like the symbolic empty table at American Legion Posts set and waiting for occupancy.   Our June presentation was from the Veterans Domicile in Lake City Florida.  Actually there are 12 domiciles in Florida.  That and no state income tax might be a reason to crank up your 55 Hudson and head this way.   7 December 2023 FLORIDA’S FIRST COAST CHAPTER December meeting reminder WEDNESDY Dec 20th 12:00 hrs American Legion Post on San Juan Ave Bring a reasonable contribution for your “free” lunch.   14 September 2023 Tuesday September 19 12:00 Mandarin Ale House, 11100 San Jose Blv Bibical Battles:  Delta Force from Genesis 14 5-20,  and Command Ethics taken from1 Samuel 30 9-26 AAR presented by Robert Parks   28 December 2022   From St. Augustine to St. Mary’s we have traveled the roads of Clay, Duval, St. John’s, Nassau, and Putman counties to literally be the Cavalry of Florida’s First Coast. Our meeting speakers have been Afghan vets, POW flame keepers, terrorist interrogators, and therapists. But more importantly, we speak to each other in comradeship.  We are members of the Duval County Veterans Council and endorse the American Legion by memberships and support of the Auxiliary. If you are reading this and live in the North Florida area, our contact information is included.  Think about it.  Wouldn’t it be interesting to meet a veteran from the 1st Cav’s Occupation of Japan? Wouldn’t it be informative to learn the inside ropes of negotiating the VA system?  Come.  We have insights.  We even have an Air Force vet who attends just because he likes us. 4 November 2022 Florida’s First Coast Chapter Our 1st CAVLRY November meeting is at the Hope Therapy Horse Ranch just south of Middleburg, yes Middleburg.. Tuesday November 15th at 14:00 hrs.  Yes 14:00 at the Ranch. No lunch is expected on site. Therefore eat in advance of approximately an hours drive in traffic from Jax, south on Blanding Blv (SR 218) to Middleburg. Our brothers at the Legion Post on San Juan Ave. plan to eat and depart from there.  If you choose to join them at the Legion for lunch prior to departure, call so the kitchen staff can accomodate.   Now: directions:   FROM: Orange Park, Blanding Blv (SR 218)  go SOUTH towards Middleburg. Go thru Middleburg till you see the CIRCLE K store on your left and a DUNKIN DONUT on your right. Continue south for approximately 1/2 mile to NOLAN Road on your right. Bear/ angle right onto Nolan.  (Not a 90% turn per the map) Go approximately 1/4 mile to BIG BRANCH Road.  Turn right on Big Branch. Continue on Big Branch for approximately 1/2 mile till Big Branch turns 90% left.  Turn Left. staying on Big Branch. At the end of Big Branch is the Horse Ranch.  Pull in, unsaddle.     21 September 2022           September-October Planning Our September meeting on Tuesday the 20th will be at Ted’s Montana Grill, Blanding Blv, Orange Park, 12:00 Our speaker will be Rick Siber, a contracted Afghanistan investigator and retired Jax police veteran. Plans are under way for an October Equine Therapy visit to Middleburg.  You may have seen several versions of how such therapy heals veteran traumas. The National POW/MIA Memorial Museum is in Jacksonville FL. We had a presentation of the present configuration and future plans at our August meeting. In September we presented ourselves at the Museum and took the grand tour. If you visit, look for our Memorial Brick embedded in the walkway. The museum is south of I-10 at the Chaffee Rd. exit.  Go and see.   We had a presentation in July from a retired Marine SGM who is now a fitness instructor. He gave us good advice on two fronts. 1.  In dealing with the VA, be patient - persistent - and prevail.  2. Any exercise is better than none.  Even rotating your arms is better than flopping them to your side.   If you are reading this and live in or north of St. Augustine or south of St. Mary’s, you are within driving distance of our meetings. Contact information is printed above.  And long distance calls are free.  Notice our flag and uniforms in the picture.       27 June 2022           We continue as brothers alternating our monthly meetings between Westside and Southside of Jacksonville because of the geographic size of Duval County. In June, our speaker, Joe Adcox, presented his personal story of his march to physical fitness after retiring as a Marine SGM. Joe gave us two reminders. 1.With regard to VA claims, never give up, persist.  The VA is a vast bureaucracy and each voice when called or spoken to seems to pass to another voice.  Use the computer if possible.  You will eventually prevail. 2. Any activity is better than no activity with regard to your health.  Even rotating your arms is good.  Swimming works.  But again your persistence towards health is best.  Anything works more than nothing. In July we will dedicate a 1st Cav Memorial brick on the walkway at the National POW/MIA Museum at Cecil Field in Jacksonville.  For those of you interested or on a trip to Florida, the Museum should be on your bucket list.  Take the Hwy 23 south exit off of I-10 to POW/MIA Parkway.  To add to your trip enjoyment, the Museum is next to the golf course. Here also is a bit of philosophy for you and a picture of our last meeting.  Nice uniforms wouldn’t you say?   20 April 2022         Our comradeship continues.  We do not so much rehash the past as we do look to the future. We alternate our meetings Southside to Westside in Jacksonville at locations convenient to St.Augustine, Palatka, Yulee, Mayport and Macclenny. Call the listed number for which BBQ joint we will visit next. In March our presentation was from Chris Miller, a staff member of our Congressman, John Rutherford, and candidate for local office in his own right. Chris spoke to us on the state of the city, Jacksonville, and his vision for the same. In April, Ron Hasty, the Veteran Outreach Coordinator for the University of Florida Health System, presented his program that addresses TBI. His wellness and recovery programs have other locations throughout the USA.  They accept referrals for evaluation and treatment at 904-244-3289. All veterans are eligible to apply for this TBI program. We continue to be represented at veterans conferences where our distinctive gold and black Cav shirts and hats distinguish us. If you would like to order uniforms for your own Chapter, call Lou Urso at 516-987-2898 for routing to the vendor.   22 February 2022               February was travel month for us as we accepted Jeff Lay’s request to visit St. Augustine FL. If not already in your home town, it’s coming, that is a cafeteria at a car dealership. We tip our hat to Bozard Ford just off I 95 at SR 16 in St. Augustine.  Jeff is second from the right and in proper uniform. A week later we traveled all the way to downtown Jacksonville to attend the Vets4Vets conference. All in uniform, we attracted attention and our secretary, Ray Skipper signed up four new applicant vets that saw us and hastened to apply. Ray is second from the left in the picture.  And, we found two speakers for our next meetings. Thanks Johnny Michael for showing our flag, literally.  Johnny is third from the right. Unfortunately, by the time you are reading this, time will have slipped into the future as the song was once sung. So, if you live in Palatka, Bostwick, Yulee, Maclenny, Vilano or even Hastings, call the above number to get onto the meeting notification list.       16 December 2021             Greetings for the New Year from north of St. Augustine and south of St. Marys, the land of no state income tax.   In October 2021, we heard from Jon Singleton (USN of all things) who told us of how he toiled to extract his interpreter from Afghanistan. In November we listened to Col.(ret) John Porter’s AAR tales of command including finding and redirecting the lost convoy. Our December meeting featured double thick buffalo or beef burgers from Ted’s Montana Grill in Orange Park. January will see city councilman at large, Matt Carlucchi, speak to us at our return to Southside and Miller’s Ale House.   St. Augustine, Palatka, Palm Valley, Crescent Beach and Hastings wake up.  We are headed your way in February to Ford’s Restaurant near the outlet mall exit off of I95. Watch your emails or call 904 534 8899.   Correction to the last report:  Leigh Ware was reported to be in his 90’s.  He is only 89.  He is still, however, our hero from the Occupation of Japan days. And here we all are including Jeff Lay, sporting his winter beard, who drives up from St. Johns County.  That’s Lou Urso out of uniform without his cap. We thank Johnny Michael for the construction of our chapter flag.   18 November 2021   DECEMBER Meeting: Tuesday the 14th at 12:00 Ted’s Montana Grill, Just south of I 295 on Blanding Blv, Orange Park Family gathering.  Wives, and others of importance to you are invited. It would be good to let Doc Skipper know in advance of you and others attending for the appropriate reservation number. 904 573 0134           June 2021 On Memorial Day, we had a representative at the Jacksonville National Cemetery for the proceedings there. One of our own will soon take the Honor Flight from here to Washington.  Honor Flight does just that, honors vets with a day at the Memorials in D. C. At our June meeting, we had two presentations which should be of interest to other Chapters. 1. Operation Barnabas: a group that finds, houses, rehabs, veterans in need or other distresses. Contact person is Raylan Heck 904 401 2972. 2. U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps: a group of vets that supplements first responders in times of local emergencies. Contact person is Carl Lay 904 679 2155. We urge other Chapters to consider these two groups in your support planning.   April 2021       We made it to the Vets 4 Vets convention at the Jacksonville Arena as you can see.  How about our Chapter caps?  Pretty snazzy and ordered by Lou Urso our Treasurer.  And what about our own Chapter Flag in the background? 1st Class operation we say.  Sam Berninger is our VP, Ray Skipper our Secretary and Johnny Michael our Sgt at Arms. Because of the geographic size of Jacksonville, we alternate meetings between Southside and Westside. You will get this Saber just in time to make our June 15th meeting at Ted’s Montana Grill on San Jose Blvd.  Stay tuned or get on the mailing list for more details. Our only problem with the Arena meeting was that the next table over won the 50/50 door prize.  We were one ticket away from having to report to the IRS.   But we did add two more names to the email notification list.  Feel left out?  See contact info above. We regret the passing of James Murphy.  He was a great guy, and we keep his memory with us.

  • Fort Knox

    Louisville, KY

    JulyAug2024 As you know, our chapter hosted the 76th reunion in Louisville again this year.  I am glad it went well. I was hoping to see more members visit our replica Vietnam Memorial Wall in Elizabethtown, KY, only about 25 came.  I realize it was a very hot day; however the members who showed up had a great experience and many said that from now on they will be coming to visit even during non-reunion times.  I look forward to our next reunion and hope for a good turnout.  See attached photos of the registration desk with our chapter members and a general photo of the social area. Thanks for another great year. Robert W. Griffin, Vice President             We have a couple updates for May June 2021:  

    1) We have moved our meeting location to 1158 N. Dixie Hwy, Radcliff.  all else stays the same.


    2) Member LEE EDWARD BROOME died on 5/10/21.  (see attached obit) He was with D 1/5 Cav. 69

    Lee Edward Broome, 81, of Louisville, passed away peacefully on Monday, May 10, 2021. He was a retired Tank Tech for the Department of Defense, U.S. Army, serving three tours in Vietnam and earning a Bronze Star for Valor.  


      For more more information about joining our Chapter please e-mail Larry Whelan at or call him at (502)-439-6454. Facebook:  

  • James J. Mason, West Michigan

    Grand Rapids, MI

      Meets on 3rd Thursday of February, April, June, August, October and December 7 p.m. at the Grand Valley Armory in Wyoming, MI.  If you have questions please feel free to e-mail the POC for our chapter Bob Anderson  Or call Bob at (616)-682-5446. Michigan has been hard hit with the COVID-19 pandemic and as such our activities have been put on hold. Our primary activity is hosting Bingo at the Grand Rapids Home For Veterans. That facility is currently closed to all but staff. The March Bingo was cancelled and most likely the May Bingo as well. These are the first activities in over 13 years that have been cancelled. So far there have not been any reported cases among the residents. We are ever hopeful that the August Bingo can still be held. Contact Bob Anderson at 616.682.5446 or e-mail him at for more information. First Team! 

  • Jumping Mustangs

    Former Jumping Mustangs nationwide

    Visit our web page for Chapter details,  or e-mail James C. Knafel at


  • Kettle Moraine

    Milwaukee, WI

    July / August 2024 On Saturday, June 8th at Racines’ Pritchard Park Veterans Memorial a granite stone signifying the Kettle Moraine Chapter of the 1st Cavalry Division Association of SE Wisconsin was unveiled along with the names of 18 members of the chapter.  Additional bricks will be engraved with chapter members over time.  The 1st Cavalry Division, also known as the First Team, has an honored history in many past wars, including WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, and the War on Terror.  Forty-four members of the 1st Cavalry Division have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.  Pictured above is the unveiling of the memorial.  From left is Racine Mayor, Corey Mason; in center is Racine County Veterans Service Officer, Shawn Rivers; on the right is Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave.  In the background on the left is Mike Lorber, Vice President of the Chapter, and next to him on his left is chapter president, Fred Douglass. PIC1 In the group photo of the initial inductees at Pritchard Park Veterans Memorial are, starting from the extreme left front row and indicating their country of service is Joe Bever (Korea); Archie Molina (Vietnam); Thomas Putnam (Vietnam); Darry Dahl (Vietnam); Paul Petersen (Vietnam); Julius Mianecki (Japan); and Mike Kopaczewski (Vietnam).  Back row from left: Robert Richter (Vietnam); Bill Berns (Vietnam); Mike Lorber (Vietnam); Fred Douglass (Vietnam); Andrew Sabin (Iraq); Harold Bourne (Vietnam); Gerald Nelson (Vietnam).  Not pictured: Matt Dragicevic (Vietnam); and Emmett Hicks (Vietnam). Two bricks are inscribed with the names of two deceased members, both previous chapter presidents, Gordy Weiner and Dick Schwarten.       20 April 2022           The photo above was taken at our March 12, 2022 meeting. The Kettle Moraine Chapter of Southeastern Wisconsin met on March 12, 2022 at The Bunker sport's bar in Waterford, Wisconsin to commemorate the chapters' donation of 1st Cav decals on this Vietnam era gunship.  Members standing are (left to right): Gordie Weidner (chapter president), Fred Douglas, Robert Richter,  Mike Kopaczewski, Julius Mianecki, Paul Petersen, Mike Lorber, Jerry Nelson, and Thomas Butnam.  Not pictured: Archie Molina, Bill Burns, Harold Bourne, Joe Bever, and Andy Sabin. The chapter also donated a bronze plaque highlighting the 1st Cav's history.     20 June 2017 Chapter meets quarterly on the second Saturday of March, June and September at 12:00, at the Bunker in Waterford, WI.  On the second Saturday of December at 12:00 (for the elections of officers) at the Meyers Restaurant in Greenfield, WI.

  • Los Angeles/Orange County

    Los Angeles, CA

      Meets 0900 on the 3rd Saturday of the month at American Legion Post 132, 143 S. Lemon St. Orange CA  92866. For more information e-mail or call John Guillory at (951)278-3740.

  • LRRP/Rangers

    Former LLRP/Rangers nationwide

    Click on the link below to be taken to the LRRP/Ranger page.             Full Chapter Meeting during Reunions.

  • New York/New Jersey

    New York, NY

    September /0October 2024 The NY/NJ Chapter welcomed Ruth W. Crocker as our guest speaker at the September 7th meeting. Ruth is the widow of Army Captain David R. Crocker, Jr. who was killed in action on May 17, 1969 in the area near Dau Tieng in III Corps. Crocker was Company Commander of A Company, 2 Bn. (Mech), 22d Infantry Regiment. Ruth discussed her best selling book, Those Who Remain, Remembrance and Reunion After War. She presented a PowerPoint program and detailed her inspiration to climb the treacherous north face of the Eiger Mountain in the Swiss Alps in an effort to find solace from her loss. Ruth’s book reveals a secret discovered long after the battlefield death of her beloved and courageous army officer husband. In 2006 she discovered, at a chance reunion meeting of members of her husband’s unit, that those who survived the war – his comrades devoted to keeping his memory alive – would bring the ultimate healing to her life. Her compelling and true story has a surprising revelation for those who seek to understand the resilience and emotional transformation following heartbreaking loss, demonstrating the tenacious will of the human spirit to heal. Those Who Remain has won the Benjamin Franklin and Military Writers Society of America Silver Awards. More information can be found at The NY/NJ quarterly chapter meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, including family members, guests and interested parties. Our next meeting will be held on October 19. The meeting will start at 10:00 AM, with a meet and greet, followed by presentations starting at 11:00. Guest speaker TBA. Our meetings are held at the Elks Lodge, 20 Spruce Street, Ridgefield Park, NJ. There is no cost to attend, and coffee and a free buffet lunch will be served. Come join us! To stay informed of future chapter events, send an email to Robin Bartlett, Chapter President,, or call 201-856-7530.               July August 2024   Fred Robins, Member Liaison of the NY/NJ Chapter 1st Cavalry Division Assn, was recently honored as the Grand Marshall of the Creskill Memorial Day Parade.  Inclement weather canceled the parade, but Fred provided an excerpt of his speech given at the American Legion Hall on Monday, May 27, 2024: After training, I was immediately sent to Vietnam and assigned to the 1st Air Cavalry Division.  I served as a helicopter crew chief.  A book and movie were made about my unit.  When I read the prologue of, We Were Soldiers Once and Young, by Moore and Galloway, I found that almost every word and sentence related to how I felt about my Vietnam experience.  My remarks today are paraphrased from the book's prologue. We were the children of the 1950s and went where we were sent because we loved our country. Many were draftees, and many had enlisted, but we were proud of the opportunity to serve our country just as our fathers had served in World War II and our older brothers in Korea.  The unit I joined was an experimental combat division trained in the new art of airmobile warfare at the behest of President John F. Kennedy.  We went to war because our country asked us to, because our new President, Lyndon B. Johnson, ordered us to, but more importantly, because we saw it as our duty to go. Leading us were the sons of West Point and the young ROTC lieutenants from Rutgers and the Citadel and, yes, even Yale University, who had heard and answered Kennedy's call.  There were also the young, enlisted men and NCOs who passed through Officer Candidate School and emerged newly minted officers and gentlemen.  All laughed nervously when confronted with the cold statistics that measured a second lieutenant's combat life expectancy in minutes and seconds, not hours. Our story is about what we did, what we saw, and what we suffered in South Vietnam when we were young and confident and patriotic.  At the same time our countrymen knew little and cared less about our sacrifices.  We knew what Vietnam had been like and how we looked and acted and talked and smelled.  No one in America did.  Hollywood got it wrong every damned time. Many of us, myself included, returned home, rebuilt our lives, found jobs or professions, married, raised families, and waited patiently for America to come to its senses.  As the years passed, we searched for each other and rediscovered the half-remembered pride of service was shared by those who had dug foxholes beside us.  With them, and only with them, could we talk about what had really happened over there---what we had seen, what we had done, what we had survived. Our story, then, is a testament and tribute to over 58,000 Americans who died beside us during those years and whose names are etched on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., and in our hearts.  This is also the story of the suffering of families whose lives were forever shattered by the death of a father, son, husband, and brother in that land. The NY/NJ Chapter meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, including family members, guests and interested parties.  Our next meeting will be held in September.  The meeting will start at 10am, with a meet and greet, followed by presentations starting at 11am. Guest speaker and date TBA.  Our meetings are held at the Elks Lodge, 20 Spruce Street, Ridgefield Park, NJ.  There is no cost to attend, and coffee and a free buffet lunch will be served. Come join us!  To stay informed of future chapter events, send an email to Robin Bartlett, Chapter President, <>, or call 201-856-7530.   24 August 2023   Dear Friends of the 1st Cavalry Division, Our next chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, September 23 starting promptly at 11:00 am. We have to be finished by 1 pm, so please try to come at 10:00 am to enjoy coffee and conversation. Our meeting will be held at the Elks Lodge located at 30 Spruce Avenue, Ridgefield Park, NJ. 07660. We have an exciting lineup of speakers. The first will be a representative from Honor Flights who will provide a brief overview of this amazing, free program that flies veterans to Washington, DC, to visit the memorials. Our second guest speaker will be David Drummond, a former Vietnam POW. David was an Air Force B52 pilot based in both Guam and Utapao, Thailand. His aircraft was hit by two SAMs on December 21st, 1972, the third day of Operation Linebacker II. His entire crew bailed out safely and is the only complete American crew to return alive to the USA. David was taken prisoner, tortured by the North Vietnamese and held at the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" and a second prison called the "Zoo." He returned to the US at the end of the war in March 1973. After separation from the Air Force, David completed a 30 year career as a pilot for American Airlines and as a flight test engineer for Bell Helicopter. David will be joined by his wife, Jill Drummond, who is a retired clinical psychologist, writer and author with expertise in PTSD. She has been involved with veterans' issues and has played a key role in developing and producing two public seminars on veterans' benefits and resources. Jill will also participate in this presentation. Here are three more important dates: Bergen County POW Recognition Day Ceremony: Friday, September 15 @ 12:30 PM. Seats have been reserved for veterans and Cav members. Please attend wearing Veteran/Cav hats and shirts. I've been asked to furnish a head count, so if you are able to attend.       The Traveling Wall: August 31 to September 3: a 1/2 scale version of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial will be erected at Bergenfield High School, Bergenfield, NJ, beginning August 31 with the opening ceremeony to be held on September 1st. This is a wonderful way for you, family members and friends to visit a replica of "The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial" and see this awe-inspiring structure.     The Wall That Heals is headed to New York City: Thursday, September 28 through Sunday, October 1. This is the 3/4 scale version of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial sponsored by VVMF to be dispalyed at Flushing Meadows Corona Park (131-04 Meridian Road, Queens, NY. The field on the southwest side of the World Ice Arena). All are welcome to attend our chapter meetings. Our meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, division, or unit assignment. We welcome spouses, relatives and friends and interested parties. There are no dues or charges to attend. Coffee and a buffet lunch will be served. We're a great group. Come check us out! Please share and post this communication. Invite interested parties to come to our meeting and register to receive future communications, information about our meetings and important local activities. For questions or more information about our next meeting, to offer suggestions or request information about our chapter please click the red button below. Meetings are held on Saturdays at the Ridgefield Park Elks Lodge, located at 30 Spruce Street, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660.      Tribute to our friend Bob Arbasetti Our chapter was deeply saddened by the passing of our former President, Robert  Arbasetti, August 6, 2023. Bob was President of the chapter for 23 years. A resident of Bogota, NJ, he worked at the Ridgefield Park post office after completing his military service. Bob was a proud Vietnam veteran. His passion extended far beyond his military service and his heart was devoted to the wellbeing of his fellow veterans. He cared about supporting and fostering the community and he believed that it was critically important that veterans pass on their stories to their families and grandchildren. Bob was also a photographer. It was more than a hobby and became a means of capturing cherished moments. He delighted in candid snaps of his beloved grandchildren and always made sure meeting photos were posted                                                                                                                 to the chapter Facebook page.. Bob was laid to rest with military honors at the Brigadier General William C. Doyle Memorial Cemetery in Wrightstown, NJ. Here is a link to his obituary: The following memories were provided by chapter members who knew him best: By Tom Lee, Chapter Historian: When we last spoke over the phone in July while he was in the hospital, he sounded fine, was in good spirits, and he enthusiastically spoke about going (after his recovery) back to the Photo Expo next year. I hoped it was possible for him more than for me. When I heard of his sudden passing, I was shocked and saddened. His passing is a great loss to all who knew him; he had many friends in the veterans community and Elks and was the pillar of our chapter. He was a veteran’s veteran, he’d been there, and had done that. I will miss our long talks and his insight. Hey Bob, I will make that pilgrimage solo for you in your memory next year, recall the good times, and look at all that expensive gear we still can’t afford. R.I.P. my friend. By Fred Robins: Bob was one of the early members of the chapter and actively participated in all activities. He later became a member of the board of Governors of the National 1st Air Cav Association. Bob dedicated most of his personal time while Chapter President to planning activities and assisting all veterans. He will be sorely missed. By Bob Heintz: My fondest memories of Bob are the many times we traveled together over the years. That involved trips to Fort Hood in February for Board of Governors meetings as well as many reunions. It was not unusual to be sitting in airports for several hours waiting for flight delays and we would often be approached by other Cav members to just talk. It is well known that Bob liked to talk to people. It was a good way to pass the time.  When we were at the reunion just after the Desert Storm conflict was over, we were talking to the division sergeant major saying how we wished we could help in the conflict. The sergeant major looked at both of us, obviously out of shape, and simply said "PT is overrated". We laughed about that for many years. We also met frequently in Washington DC for Veterans Day where my wife "adopted" him and encouraged him to join us for meals at the local restaurants. When he had difficulty keeping up with us walking, she made sure we all slowed down for him. Bob always said that he had to behave or she would kick his butt! With all our travel and the many hours together, we really never had any conflict. I told him once that in all of that time, I only had to call him a pain in the ass once! Another laugh that lasted for years. Bob was a good friend and I will miss him greatly.   27 January 2023 Dear NY/NJ Chapter 1st Cav Division Association Members:   Reminder: our next chapter meeting is scheduled for February 25, 2023 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Lodge in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue.) There is no charge to attend and a buffet lunch will be served. Please invite your friends and military buddies to come regardless of unit or branch. Meet old friends and make new ones. In the event of bad weather, we will reschedule for another date in March. More details to follow. Our next guest speaker will be LTC. David Siry, recently retired, who is currently an Assistant Professor of Military History at the US Military Academy. David is the Director of the Center for Oral History at West Point. He graduated from USMA in 1994 and chose Armor as his branch. He served in many assignments around the world to include Iraq, Kuwait, Bosnia, Haiti, Ft. Campbell and Ft. Knox, KY. Most recently, he served as an Operations Officer and Executive Officer with the 3d Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division and as a Team Chief on a Military Transition Team working with the Iraqi Army, Air Force and Police in Wasit Province with the 1st Cavalry Division. Come to the February meeting to hear more about some of the interesting stories David has conducted as Director of the West Point Oral History Project. On March 29, Americans will come together to commemorate the service and sacrifices made by the nearly 3 million service members who served in Vietnam. In 2012, President Barack Obama signed a presidential proclamation, designating March 29 as the annual observance of Vietnam War Veterans Day. The Vietnam Veterans Day Commemoration Team has authorized the distribution of a Vietnam Veteran lapel pin to all veterans and family members who served during the Vietnam era. Our chapter has received a supply of pins and one will be given to each Vietnam Veteran attending our next two meetings. The signing of the commemorative proclamation by Obama marked the 50th anniversary of the departure of the last American troops from Vietnam — March 29, 1973. Only U.S. embassy personnel and support staff remained in South Vietnam until the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. Here is what the President had to say: "The Vietnam War is a story of service members of different backgrounds, colors and creeds who came together to complete a daunting mission," the proclamation states. "It is a story of Americans from every corner of our nation who left the warmth of family to serve the country they loved. It is a story of patriots who braved the line of fire, who cast themselves into harm's way to save a friend, who fought hour after hour, day after day to preserve the liberties we hold dear." As you know, more than 58,000 Americans were killed and many thousands more were wounded and injured or determined to be missing. Tens of thousands of families suffered from this loss. The proclamation also states: "In one of the war's most profound tragedies, many of these men and women came home to be shunned or neglected — to face treatment unbefitting their courage and a welcome unworthy of their example. We must never let this happen again." All are welcome to attend our chapter meetings. Our meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, division or unit assignment, and for relatives and interested parties.                                                                              Please post this communication and invite interested parties to register to receive future communications, information about our chapter meetings and important local activities.   For questions or more information about our next meeting or about our chapter please click the red button below. Sincerely, Robin Bartlett, President

    NY/NJ Chapter, 1st Cav Division Association

    Robin Bartlett


    NY/NJ Chapter, 1st Cavalry Division


    Chapter Ambassador:

    Bob Arbasetti -

    Chapter Liaisons:

    BobHeintz -

    Fred Robbins -

    Al Carpenter -

      1 September 2022 This Cav newsletter: is for all service members regardless of branch, division, rank or unit assignment, and for relatives and interested parties. This periodic communication will provide notice of future chapter meetings and important local activities. Mark your calendar: Our next chapter meeting will be held on October 15 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Club in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue, Ridgefield Park). There is no charge to attend and a buffet lunch will be served. If you're curious about our chapter, please come to the meeting, meet old friends and make new ones. Or, click the red button below to ask a question. Please forward and post: forward this email to your vet friends and post on your unit bulletin boards for all to see. If you wish to be added to our mailing list click the red button below or send an email to Our guest speaker at the October meeting will be Takeshi “Tak” Furumoto. Born in an American internment camp during WWII, Tak grew up in Japan, returned to the US to attend college at UCLA and then joined the Army. As an OCS 1st Lieutenant, Tak served a tour in Vietnam from 1970-71 as an Intelligence Officer in the Hau Nghia Province near the Cambodian Border (Parrot's Beak) in III Corps. He was an advisor to the Vietnam National Police Chief during the CIA's Operation PHOENIX and worked to neutralize VC infrastructures in the region. Returning to the US, Tak suffered from both PTSD and AO poisoning. Tak will discuss and answer questions about specific engagements in Vietnam and his challenging return to civilian life after Vietnam. You wont want to miss his amazing story! Also attending our meeting: will be Kevin O'Hora from the Division of Veterans Services in Bergen County. Kevin has a wealth of information about benefits available to service members including healthcare, surviving spouses and children, military burial, filing claims for pension and compensation for disabilities and PTSD. If you are unable to attend our meeting you can reach Kevin at 201-336-6325 or by email at For questions, information, or to be added to our mailing list: please click the red button below. Please forward this message: to your veteran friends regardless of branch, rank or affiliation. All are welcome at Cav meetings. Be well, stay safe and WELCOME HOME! Robin Bartlett 25 July 2022 Dear Sky Troopers, The Cav Newsletter. Our newsletter is for all service members regardless of branch, division or unit assignment, and for relatives and interested parties. This periodic communication will provide notice of our future chapter meetings and important local activities. Visit to the Moving Wall in NJ. Several Sky Troopers recently visited the Moving Wall at the County College of Morris. The Moving Wall is a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. The Wall was sponsored by VFW Post 7333 and donations are still gratefully appreciate. For more information about the Moving Wall go online to: Veterans Pulse Newsletter. The VA has recently started an informative newsletter called "Veteran Pulse." It contains very helpful information about the VA in New Jersey (addresses, telephone numbers and healthcare information for both men and women and all the VA hospitals and clinics in NJ. To start receiving your copy of this informative publication click the button below and I will send you a link. Mark your calendar: Our next chapter meeting will be held on October 15 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Club in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue). There is no charge to attend and a buffet lunch will be served. If you're curious about our chapter, please come to the meeting, meet old friends and make new ones. Or, click the red button below to ask a question. Our guest speaker at the October meeting will be Takeshi “Tak” Furumoto. After graduating from UCLA in 1967, Tak enlisted in the Army completing Basic and AIT at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. This was followed by Engineering OCS at Ft. Belvoir, MD, the Monterey Language School in CA, and Combat Intelligence School in MD. He worked to neutralize VC infrastructures as a part of the CIA's Operation PHOENIX. For questions or more information about this meeting or our chapter please click the red button below. Have a Great Summer. I will check back in another month! Robin Bartlett President 27 June 2022   All service members regardless of branch or unit assignment, relatives and interested parties are invited to the next meeting of the New York/New Jersey Chapter of the 1st Cav Division on Saturday, October 15. The meeting will be held from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Club in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue). There is no charge to attend, and a buffet lunch will be served. Please join us to meet old friends and meet new ones. Our guest speaker at the October meeting will be Takeshi “Tak” Furumoto. After graduating from UCLA in 1967, Tak enlisted in the Army completing Basic and AIT at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. This was followed by Engineering OCS at Ft. Belvoir, MD, the Monterey Language School in CA, and Combat Intelligence School at Halibut, MD. As a 1st Lieutenant, Tak served a tour in Vietnam from February 1970-71 as an Intelligence Officer at the Due Hue District, Hau Nghia Province near the Cambodian Border (Parrot’s Beak) in III Corps. He was assigned as an advisor to the Vietnam National Police Chief, during the CIA’s Operation PHOENIX. He worked to neutralize VC infrastructures in the district. He was awarded the Bronze Star for actions during the Cambodian invasion by US and ARVN forces in 1970. Returning to the US, Tak suffered from both PTSD and AO poisoning. He has been active in real estate development in Fort Lee, NJ, the town’s Chamber of Commerce, VFW Troop 2342, and in human rights activities. Tak will discuss some specific engagements in Vietnam and thoughts on the war. For more information about this meeting please contact Robin Bartlett, President, NY/NJ Chapter 1 CDA, 10 May 2022         Photo Caption: L To R NewChapter President Robin Bartlett and Bob Arbasetti   On April 31, The New York-New Jersey Chapter held its spring meeting, the last meeting that I will have as president.  The chapter elected a new president, Robin Bartlett.  In the next issue of the Saber, Robin will introduce himself.  We had a good turnout.  Everyone seems happy to see each other.  Once again, we were fortunate to have Meegan Wadleigh as our photographer; despite dealing with a primitive camera and crusty old Veterans, her work was outstanding I want to thank everyone who not only turned out this time but all who have helped and supported me through my presidential term.  Thanks to the 1st Cavalry Association and the kind people who have guided me over the past 20+ years.  I also want to thank Fred Robins, Bob Heintz, and all chapter members past and present who have contributed to my success I want to leave everyone with the idea that it's time to share your story and tell who you were when you went to War.  Don't let others tell a story that is not yours.  Let them know what life was like back then, how little life experience we had.  Although the war was unpopular, we served our country with pride. Tell Family and friends about all those we met along the way.  Some good, some bad but all our brothers.  Tell of sacrifice we share; the loss of life and explain how the War has lived in us for so many years and how it has become the filter we see the world. 2021                   During the timeframe of the Afghanistan war, I thought about returning to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to visit wounded Soldiers.  The best time to do this wound be Veterans Day week in Washington D.C.  The 1st Cavalry Div Association stays at a hotel for Veterans week, and this is an excellent place to assemble our team.  I knew that it would be a difficult visit and the best way was to form a team.  Edie Meeks, a nurse in an army field hospital in Vietnam, was the first person I approached.  I knew that her ability to deal with patients and hospital situations would steady the team.  Then I sought chapter members and friends who were wounded in combat, whom I knew in Washington, to join the group. On our first visit, I realize that none of us were prepared for what we were about to experience.  Even though the Soldiers were in their twenties, they seem like school-age children. We were surprised to see many female Soldiers with a few missing limbs because of many roadside bombs. All were happy to see us; some wanted to show us videos that they shot.  Others wanted to show pieces of shrapnel that were taken out of their bodies.  Others wanted to display their scars.  Most patients wanted someone to talk to.  The hospital can be a lonely place to be. Everyone seems pleased to visit with these Soldiers.  It reminds one of the sacrifices they made.  To me, it just how terrible war is and how costly the price that is paid. The New York-New Jersey Chapter will hold its Fall Meeting on Oct 16, 2021, at the Ridgefield park Elks Lodge in Ridgefield Park NJ. Check out the Facebook page for updates.

    Bob Arbasetti, president 

  • North Carolina Tarheel Chapter

      Chapter meets 2nd Saturday of March, June, September, and December Contact Don Gibson for membership information. On February 1992 eight veterans of the First Cavalry Division met at the Harnett Country Library. They voted to form an N.C. Chapter. The members were Robert Lloyd, Joe Carpenter, Sam Cope, Bob Cox, James Hall, E.L. Vowtaw, Ben Wilkinson, and Harry Zoldak. The NC Chapter held its first meeting in Lillington on April 25, 1992. Forty-one members were present. Officers elected were President: Robert Llyod, Vice President: Bob Cox, Treasurer: James Hall, and Secretary: Harry Zoldak. We were presented our chapter charter at the 45th Reunion in Billings, Montana, August 8, 1992. Meetings are March, June, September December. Next Meeting is June 1 to allow for the Ft Hood Reunion. We meet in different places. We have a Facebook page for Chapter information. [rl_gallery id="4781"]Facebook: 1st Cavalry Division Association North Carolina Chapter

  • Northwest

    Seattle, WA

    3 March 2022 As we closely monitor world events and the pandemic, we, the 1st Cavalry Division Association, Northwest Chapter are planning events for 2022.  If you are interested in attending any of our events, joining our Chapter, please visit our Facebook page for more information or send us an email:                                      
    Reminder, you are invited to our Virtual General Membership Meeting, Saturday, 12 noon, June 5, 2021, via Teams due to COVID-19.   To join our Virtual Meeting, please click on the following link approximately 10 minutes early so that we can start on time.  Be advised, I recommend that you click on the link upon receipt to ensure you do not have issues at the meeting time; once, you confirm that you are able to connect. For your convenience, I will send another link on the morning of the meeting.   To join the meeting on your computer or mobile app; <Click Here> or copy and paste the following link into your browser è   If you have any questions or concerns, please email me as soon as possible so that I can assist you in resolving your issue.   Sincerely,     William Al Jackson Treasurer | Newsletter Editor & Publisher 1st Cavalry Division Association, Northwest Chapter Our board members for 2020 - 2022 are:
    President – Gail Porter
    Vice President – Clayton Waldron
    Secretary – William Jackson
    Treasurer – William Jackson
    Chaplain – Doug Coles
    Current General Membership (1st Saturday; Bi-Monthly (February, April, June, August – Membership Appreciation / Drive Summer Picnic/BBQ, October, December – Christmas Dinner Party)) Meeting Location (click below link for directions) Carrs Restaurant, 11006 Bridgeport Way SW, Lakewood, WA 98499 unless otherwise announced

  • Sheridans Cavalry

    28 December 2022:   Chapter Member Richard O’Brien (Co. D – 2/8 CAV) passed away November 10, 2022 – Rich was interred at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery / Elwood, Illinois.     Our Chapter Christmas Dinner was held December 3 – Chapter Member Paul Brian video recorded our attendees “Go Army / Beat Navy” cheer for CBS Sports Television inclusion during the big game.        2023 Meetings / Event dates – March 11 / May 13 / August 12 Picnic / October 4 / December 2 Christmas Dinner Our meetings and events are normally held at the Roselle American Legion Post #1084, 322 East Maple Ave., Roselle, IL 60172.  Our Sheridan Chapter cordially invites any one who served or was attached at any year with the 1st Cav to join our group. Contact Terry Hodous POC at or 773.445.1213 for additional information regarding membership or attending our future events.   3 March 2022:

    2022 Meeting dates –  March 12 /  May 14 / Picnic August 6 / October 8 /  Christmas Party December 3 – meetings and events are typically held at the Roselle American Legion Post #1084, 322 East Maple Ave., Roselle, IL 60172.

        Taken from Facebook page:

    Sheridan's Chapter 1st Cavalry Division

    6/29/2021 Our Charter Member and Medal of Honor recipient Allen Lynch paid a virtual visit with about 27  -  8th grade students at Elwood School, Elwood Illinois. The students were able to read about Lynch before the meeting and to write questions regarding his experiences.  The students were engaged and appreciated hearing his presentation regarding  his military experiences with the 1st Cavalry Division. The Chapter Annual Picnic scheduled for August 7th at the Roselle American Legion Post. Our Oct 9th Membership Meeting is scheduled at the Italian American Veterans Museum in Stone Park. The Sheridan Chapter cordially invites  any one who served or was attached at any year with the 1st Cav to join our group. Contact Terry Hodous POC at or 773.445.1213 for additional information regarding membership or attending one of our future events. Respectfully submitted Terry Hodous 773.445.1213   6/24/2021 2021 Meeting dates remaining – Picnic August 7 / October 9 / Christmas Party December 4 Meetings and events are typically held at the Roselle American Legion Post #1084, 322 East Maple Ave., Roselle, IL 60172.
    Our October 9th meeting will be held at the Italian American Military Museum located in Stone Park IL.
    Our Sheridan Chapter cordially invites anyone who served or was attached at any year with the 1st Cav to join our group. Contact Terry Hodous POC at or 773-445-1213 for additional information regarding membership or attending our future events.
    March 2021:             2021 Meeting dates remaining – May 8  /  Picnic August 7   /  October 9  /  Christmas Party December 4  Meetings and events are typically held at the Roselle American Legion Post #1084, 322 East Maple Ave., Roselle, IL 60172. Our October 9th meeting will be held at the Italian American Military Museum located in Stone Park IL. Our Sheridan Chapter cordially invites anyone who served or was attached at any year with the 1st Cav to join our group.  Contact Terry Hodous POC at or 773-445-1213 for additional information regarding membership or attending our future events.

    Contact Terry Hodous POC at or 773.445.1213 for additional information regarding membership or attending one of our future events.    


    Respectfully submitted Terry Hodous 773.445.1213

    If you need more information look us up on our Facebook page:, or e-mail

  • Southeastern Colorado

    Las Animas, CO

    Meets 1st Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at the Holiday Inn Express in LaJunta, CO. For more information about our chapter please contact our POC John Campos e-mail:  You can also visit our webpage,

  • Walter H. Westman Northland

    Minneapolis, MN

    Checkout our latest news letter.   2022 SEPTEMBER for Emailing - 1Cav Newsletter 10-8-22   CHAPTER MEETING DATE:          OCTOBER 8, 2022  TIME:           10:00 – 11:00 Social Hour                      11:00 – 12:00 Breakfast & Meeting 

    LOCATION:  American Legion Post 118

                      949 East Wayzata Blvd.

                      Wayzata, MN 55391


      This Post donated $1,500.00 to our Grocery card program back in December 2021. We picked this location to show our appreciation for their generous donation.     Jim Wright Treasure   1st Cavalry Division Association Walter H. Westman – Northland Chapter 12781 Able Street NE Blaine, MN 55434   H - 763-757-7140 C - 612-770-6862   3 March 2022   The Fall meeting of the Walter Westman Northland Chapter was held at VFW Post # 4847 St. Cloud Mn.with a business meeting and lunch. The group then moved to the St. Cloud Regional Airport for a special tour and visit to the home base of  B Company 1st General Support Aviation Battalion,Minnesota Army National Guard CW5 Jason Wright gave the group an informative and closeup look of the UH 60 Black Hawk and CH 47 Chinook Inventory and support mission overview of deployment to Kuwait and Iraq. CW5 Wright is the son of the Northland Treasurer Jim Wright. [envira-gallery id="5601"] Meets quarterly at different location. Call, write or e-mail for meeting information. POC:  James Wright (763)-757-7140 12781 Able St. NE, Blaine, MN  55434 E-mail:    

  • William A. Richardson National Capitol Region Chapter

    Alexandria, VA

    22 September 2022   In March, we had an excellent presentation given by Mr. Brad Garrett, retired FBI. Brad spoke on DOMESTIC TERRORISM to include:

    • Extremist groups have been part of this country (quick discussion of KKK founding, how it has gone up and down, now other groups have similar views); Timothy McVeigh; Sen Joseph McCarthy; John Birch Society
    Current state of right-wing extremist groups and how under President Trump they became empowered, grown in numbers have tremendous influence over a significant part of our population  
    • Why are people attracted to extremist groups/conspiracy theories; what can be done to reduce this line of thinking.
      Our guest speaker in April was Christopher M. Smith, foreign service officer at the Department of State, speaking about his recently published book, Ukraine's Revolt, Russia's Revenge: an eyewitness account by a U.S. diplomat of Russia’s brazen attempt to undo the democratic revolution in Ukraine. Chris is currently a student at National Defense University's College of Information and Cyberspace.In In May, our speakers will be Henry “Rocky” Colavita.  Rocky retired from the Army in 1983, completing 20 years.  He is known for his highly successful ambush tactics as CO, D/2/8 Cav, 1968-69. Carlos Collat.  Carlos retired from the Army after a 30-year career.  Carlos served in 2/8 Cav - just after Rocky’s time there.  Carlos also was a pilot in the 229th Assault Helo Bn, flying Combat Assaults. Rocky will be the “main” speaker and focus on highly successful ambush tactics.  Carlos will support Rock’s talk with his own experiences.  Both men are extremely proud to have served in 1st CAV. Both men attended the 2-8 Memorial Service for the 50 anniversary of the crash of a CH-34 on it’s way to take members of the battalion to a well-earned R&R. Many family members were in attendance as well as Chapter members. Finally, 3 of the chapter attended the CAV Reunion in Dayton, Ohio. This was my first and it was really great. If you haven’t attended a reunion – do it. It is worth every penny. A company 1-5 was well represented with Foggy Day Warriors from A company. More to report in the next Saber and we plan to get the Chapter back in action in the Fall. If you want more information on the Chapter call me, Gene Russell at 703-220-5322 or email me at   5 May 2022   We met in January and wished each other Happy New Year and in Feb we said goodbye to COL Fred Barrett. Below is a picture of Uncle Fred’s Daughters and Son with me and Aunt Gladys. L to R: me, Kathy Peters (Dallas, TX), ALICE Feeley (Arlington, VA) Aunt Gladys, Gale Barrow (Savannah, GA), Fred lll (Falls Church, VA) In March, we had an excellent presentation given by Mr. Brad Garrett, retired FBI. Brad spoke on DOMESTIC TERRORISM to include:
    • Extremist groups have been part of this country (quick discussion of KKK founding, how it has gone up and down, now other groups have similar views); Timothy McVeigh; Sen Joseph McCarthy; John Birch Society
    Current state of right-wing extremist groups and how under President Trump they became empowered, grown in numbers have tremendous influence over a significant part of our population  
    • Why are people attracted to extremist groups/conspiracy theories; what can be done to reduce this line of thinking.
      Our guest speaker in April was Christopher M. Smith, foreign service officer at the Department of State, speaking about his recently published book, Ukraine's Revolt, Russia's Revenge: an eyewitness account by a U.S. diplomat of Russia’s brazen attempt to undo the democratic revolution in Ukraine. Chris is currently a student at National Defense University's College of Information and Cyberspace.In In May, our speakers will be Henry “Rocky” Colavita.  Rocky retired from the Army in 1983, completing 20 years.  He is known for his highly successful ambush tactics as CO, D/2/8 Cav, 1968-69. Carlos Collat.  Carlos retired from the Army after a 30 year career.  Carlos served in 2/8 Cav - just after Rocky’s time there.  Carlos also was a pilot in the 229th Assault Helo Bn, flying Combat Assaults. Rocky will be the “main” speaker and focus on highly successful ambush tactics.  Carlos will support Rock’s talk with his own experiences.  Both men are extremely proud to have served in ICAV We are, currently, working our schedule for the summer months and will announce it later. If you are interested in joining the Chapter, please feel to contact me, via phone 703-220-5322 or via email, Also we are doing a live presentation for those who come to the American Legion and doing ZOOM for those staying home. Join us.     December 2021 The Chapter Zoomed into 2021 and is never looking back.  We are ready to get to the new normal and to resume having breakfast together and enjoying each other’s company.  We met in January and wished each other Happy New Year.  February, we had an excellent presentation given by Mr. Brad Garrett, retired FBI. Brad spoke on Domestic Terrorism to include:  Extremist groups have been part of this country (quick discussion of KKK founding, how it has gone up and down, now other groups have similar views), Timothy McVeigh, Sen Joseph McCarthy, John Birch Society; Current state of right-wing extremist groups and how under President Trump they became empowered, grown in numbers have tremendous influence over a significant part of our population; Why are people attracted to extremist groups/conspiracy theories; what can be done to reduce this line of thinking. We are, currently, working our schedule for March and April and will announce it later.  If you are interested in joining the Chapter, please feel to contact me, via phone 703-220-5322 or via email, <>.   Meets 3rd Saturday of the month January - April and September - October 0900 at the American Legion Post 176, 6520 Amherst Ave., Springfield VA.  Breakfast available prior to start of meeting.  June meeting is at WRAMC and November meeting is at the Association Veterans Day gathering. For more information e-mail Gene Russell at  

Highlights - CTA

Ghosts of Fallujah

Ghosts of Fallujah (written by Coley D. Tyler) is a first person account of the Second Battalion, Seventh Cavalry’s participation in the Second Battle of Fallujah, the largest single engagement of the Iraq War and the largest urban battle since Hue in 1968. A First Marine Division operation, it was spearheaded by one of the […]

Special Annoucements

Public Request for Division Assets (Band/Horse Cav Detachment/Honor Guard)

Need to request a Division asset: the Band, Horse CAV Detachment, or Honor Guard? Fill out the provided DD Form 2536 and email it to: SFC Kristin M. Chandler at  If you have any questions about filling out the form call SFC Chandler at 254-288-2601. DD2536 Asset Request Form